April, 1935 spiritual. Dr. Harvey Farmer has remind ed us o f a very real danger: “In our anx iety to do ‘our’ best, we get into a bust ling, hustling frame o f mind and lose God’s best.” Jesus received gladly the adoring love of His friends, and His heart was pleased as Mary sat at His feet. I f we would have our homes pleasing unto Him, if we long for happy homes where love abides, then we must give Christ the preeminence in our affections and in our plans for the home. Leader’s Helps I. H onored M others 1. Eve, the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20). 2. Sarah, the mother of nations (Gen. 17:16). 3. Rebekah, the mother o f thousands of millions (Gen. 24:60). 4. Deborah, a mother in Israel (Judg. 5:7). 5. Elisabeth, the mother of the greatest prophet (Lk. 1:13-17; Matt. 11:11). 6. Mary, the mother o f our Lord and Saviour (Lk. 1 :43). “Her children arise up, and call her blessed” (Prov. 31:28). —Moody Monthly. II. Q u e stio n s for D isc u ssio n 1. What is a Christian attitude in my home? 2. How should I treat my parents ? 3. What is my responsibility to my home? 4. Does your love for your mother per mit her to do the work you should be do ing in the home ? 5. Do the members o f your family have confidence in your Christian testimony? —M. G. G. III. M oth er
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to me. You know I have been with you to your church and I have seen you worship God there. But I have missed God in your home. You know in Japan we have a god shelf in every home where the head of the house worships daily. Do not Americans worship their God in the home ?” What a reproof that was, and how sad it is that in the large proportion of Ameri can homes there is not a sign o f worship from one end of the week to the other! —A. E. S tuernagel . MAY 19, 1935 THE INVINCIBLE GOOD WILL OF JESUS J ohn 13:1 ; L uke 9 :51-56 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“ Love Divine, All Love Excel ling.” Hymn—-“Love Led My Saviour from Gloryland.” Hymn—“My Saviour’s Love.” Prayer. Scripture—Luke 9:51-56. Hymn—“I Will Sing the Wondrous Story.” Duet—“Why Should He Love Me So?” Leader’s Message. Meditation on the Lesson These remarkable passages lift us far beyond earthly scenes into the very heav- enlies themselves. They emphasize two factors—the plan of God from which Christ could not be turned aside, and the love o f God shown in Christ as the di vine purpose was carried forward. The lesson’s title, “The Invincible Good Will o f Jesus,” seems misleading, for “good will” in our ordinary usage has a connota tion far short of the overflowing, self-sac rificing “ love o f Christ, which passeth knowledge.” Christ’s character is so sublime, so matchless, so transcending, that we can merely touch the fringes o f the theme when we speak of His different attributes. Universally, perhaps, when a “ Christlike spirit” is mentioned, the thought at once centers on long-suffering love as the chief element, and this is the most prominent characteristic revealed in our lesson. There are, however, several others which we shall notice. In Luke 9:51, we observe first Christ’s steadfastness o f purpose: “He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,” knowing that beyond Jerusalem were Gethsemane and Calvary. Isaiah, the inspired prophet, had foretold this attitude of the coming Messiah: “Therefore have I set my face like a flint” (Isa. 50:7). There was no turning back, no shirking of great issues. May every Endeavorer follow Him in “steadfastness.” Patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, and compassion—all infinitely beyond hu man measure—rare portrayed in the Gos pel narrative. They are graces which the natural man cannot have and which cannot be obtained in any way except from above. Notice the attitude of James and John: “Wilt thou that we command fire to come down ?” Ah 1 That truly is the doctrine of the world, but the “wisdom that is from above,” o f which our blessed Lord Jesus was the incarnation, says: “ But I say un to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matt; 5:44). Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Benediction—Numbers 6:24-26.
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What Bible Character Does This Picture Represent?
A face of kindliest beauty; A heart o f tenderest grace; A voice o f sweetest cadence; A love naught can efface. Hands tireless in their service; Feet swift to come and g o ; Ears tuned to faintest whispers; Eyes keen to see and know. A love unlike all other; A friend o f all most true; Oh, Mother, precious Mother, All honor be to you.
You should answerwithout hes itation, these and many other Bible questions. Mail the cou pon. We will send you free big newBulletin telling how Moody B ible In stitu te Home Study Courses have helped 53,000 men and women through directed systematic study o f the Bible. Send now. No obligation. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Dept* 4204 «153 Institute Place, Chicago, III. BIBLE TEST FREE 1 Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School ■ | Dept. 4204 1 153 Institute Place, Chicago, IlL | I O Please send me Free 5-Minute Bible Test. ] ; □ I am interested in your Class Study Plan. J j Name________.“„..1 J Street and N o___ City-------......------- I I
— F red S . S h epard . IV.
S uggested T ex ts 1. “Honor . . . thy mother” (Ex. 20:12). 2. “My son, . . . forsake not the law of thy mother” (Prov. 1:8). 3. “Despise not thy mother when she is old” (Prov. 23:22). V. O bservations of a J a p a n e s e S tu d en t The story is told of a Japanese girl who studied at an American university and spent a Christmas vacation in the home of one o f her classmates. She had seen much else in America, but the thing she longed for most of all was to see the in side of a Christian home, and such a home she was now invited to visit. She had a delightful time, and as she was about to leave at the end o f her vacation period, the mother said, “ How do you like the way we Americans live?” “ Oh," she said, “ I love it Your home is beautiful. But there is one thing I miss. It is this that makes your home seem queer
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