King's Business - 1935-04

April, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


III. W hy S h e W as R e l ie v e d

In one o f the stories of O. Douglas is a character called Bethia, who is house­ keeper to the minister and who is a very enthusiastic collector for missions. One day she said to a friend, “ I’ve collected for foreign missions for near fifty years, and it’s no a very encouraging job whiles. The maist o’ folk are no heeding much about the heathen; they’ve plenty to do wi’ themselves. I mind once being in a hoose, an’ the wife couldna see her way to give to missions at all. While we were speaking, a bairn gae a cry, and she startit up thinking it was her ain wee lassie, and then she said, relieved like, ‘It was just a bairn outside.’ An’ wi’ ower many folk missions are just ‘the bairn outside.’ " —Sunday School Times. IV. “ P ut O ut the D ark ” A bright little chap of three years took me up to his nursery just as the day was darkening. The room was too dim, and he gave the short command, “Nana, put out the dark I” Put out the darkl For my little friend it was easily accomplished, when his nurse touched the electric switch, which was just out o f his reach, to which he could only point. But how many people there are who are trying in their own way to “put out the dark” in heart and life I It is Christ only who can answer to the needs o f the human heart. It is only “the light of the world” who can “put out the dark.”— Christian Herald. father, but he is smaller. Just because he is smaller than his father, you must not think that his sermon is less important. There is no water inside this jar, but if you look closely, you will see a small piece of bread and a small bottle o f grape juice. This message is about the Lord’s Supper. Ever since Jesus served this Supper to His disciples, Christian people have been following His example. The Lord’s Supper has been preaching a silent sermon for almost two thousand years. W e can better realize the importance o f this silent sermon when we remember that Jesus said that the bread was to re­ mind His followers o f His body which was given for them. We must never lose sight o f this important truth. At the sup­ per with His disciples, Jesus took the cup and said that the wine was like His blood which was shed for the remission of sins. People down through the ages since that day have remembered the words of Christ, and all who have believed in Him have been cleansed from all sin in His blood. In the seventh chapter of the book of the Revelation, John tells us that he saw a great crowd o f people which could not be counted, standing before the throne o f God. They were there because they had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. As we think o f this silent sermon, God would have us look back to the cross of Christ, where His body was given and His blood shed. He would have us look within our own hearts and make sure that there is no unconfessed sin. Then He would have us look forward to the coming o f Christ, for He said: “ For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11:26). OBJECT LESSON [Continued from page 147]

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M A I L T H I S C O U P O N T O D A Y American Bible Society, Bible House, Astor Place, New York KB Please send me, without obligation, your booklet "A Gift That Lives."


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