April, 1935
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
HELPS fo r ‘Treachers and Teachers B y P a u l P r i c h a r d
Ful RedemptionSongsGoingStrong
It is edited and com piled by R ev. George Bennard, author of “ THE OLD RUGGED CROSS”
A prom inent pastor in the Northwest wrote us som e time ago that in the interest o f his church, he had looked the song-book field over thoroughly, and after examining a large num ber he cam e to the conclusion that ‘‘FULL REDEMPTION SONGS,” measured from every standpoint, was the best b ook he had seen. One church organization has, up to date, placed their orders for 40,000 copies. Send for a cop y and note what a choice selection o f hymns and songs for use in regular church services, Young Peoples Societies, Sunday School work, Prayer meetings and so forth. It is unexcelled for use in Evangelistic, Taber nacle, Tent and Camp meetings. A 192 page book containing 199 songs. 25c a cop y ma- nila; 35c in cloth; $17.50 a 100, manila, (not prepaid) $27.50 in cloth a 100 (n ot prepaid). BENNARD MUSIC COMPANY Albion, Michigan
a. There was nothing in His na ture as God to compel Him to become Man. b. But there was everything in His work as Redeemer which re quired Him to become truly Man. And this He did become. 5. That the profession of this high doctrine is fundamental to the Christian faith. Salvation A cts 16:31 From the words o f this text, we infer that: 1. Men are lost 2. Salvation has been secured. 3. Salvation is to be had only through the Christ o f God. The Wounds of Jesus I saiah 53:5 ; Z echariah 13:6 ; J ohn 20:20 The wounds of Jesus are : 1. Proof marks o f sin. 2. Bountiful provisions of God. 3. Cheering marks o f identification. 4. Convincing proofs o f His resurrec tion. 5. Satisfaction to skeptical minds and troubled hearts. 6. Qur sin-wounds. 7. Signets o f His love. l î l —A. C. M axwell .
The Incarnation of Christ As Central to the Gospel 1 J ohn 4:1-3 Guard yourself, at the outset, against the modernist’s interpretation of this pas sage. I. The Modernist Claims: 1. That Jesus Christ is only a man. 2. That this passage not only en dorses that doctrine, but insists up on it. II. John’s Purpose, However, Is to Insist: 1. That Jesus Christ is the eternal Word o f God. That means He is God. 2. That the Eternal Word, entering this world, did not cease to be God. He became, on the other hand, the incarnate Word of God: God in the flesh. 3. That Jesus Christ became actual flesh. In other words, the human ity o f Jesus is a genuine humanity. 4. That the incarnation o f the divine Word in human flesh is the cen tral foundation stone upon which God’s plan of salvation is built. I f the Word never became flesh, or did not become genuine flesh, then the work o f Jesus Christ on Calvary and at the tomb is nothing at all.
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