King's Business - 1935-04

April, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Endeavorers to Alaska Congenial Christian fellowship is prom­ ised for those joining the Fourth Annual Alaska Tour o f the California Christian Endeavor Union. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Brown will again conduct this party, and their leadership, personality, and ex­ perience assure the success of this tour.

unbecoming to saints—unsuited to those who have risen with Christ. U nited w it h H im in H is G lory In the third place, we who were one with Him in His dying and are one with Him in His rising shall be one with Him in His glory. What tremendous truth lies in the statement that all that Christ did as our Substitute, God puts down to our ac­ count as though we had done it all I May the wonder o f these facts in verses 3 and 4 be vital and vitalizing realities in our lives day by day! What sort o f persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, in view o f the fact that we died in Christ— and that we rose in H im ! Do not our hearts thrill with the sure and certain hope of sharing His glory with Him through the eternal ages? He will not be manifested apart from His own. They shall shine forth in radiant splendor like the sun—like Christ Himself—in the Fa­ ther’s kingdom. “ Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. W e know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him”—whose countenance is as the sun shining in its strength—“ for we shall see him even as he is” (1 John 3:2, R .V .). What a glorious consummation that will be o f our union with our risen Lord, when we are all gathered in His revealed pres­ ence in the unsullied holiness of our Fa­ ther’s house! T ransform ed in C h r ist — Now “Till he come,” may we all with un­ veiled faces, reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, reveal the fact that we are being transformed into the same im­ age from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. The reality o f our hav­ ing risen with Christ will be seen in our lives as we are concerned to commend the gospel and the grace o f our adorable Lord, and as the golden truths we have been considering become shining principles o f our lives which shall develop in us a noble character and influence us to holy conduct in all our walk and work.

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Largest Stock in Am erica. Over half a million Theological Books— Classified by subject. Cata­ logues Free. Correspondence and “ Want Lists” invited. Please m ention The K ing’s Business. Schulte's Book Store S’E*w

S. S. P rin ce R upert O f special interest will be the Protestant mission station contacts, and the Annual C. E. Rally with the Alaska Endeavorers at Wrangell. Illustrated literature is avail­ able at Christian Endeavor Headquarters, 301 Columbia Building, Los Angeles. California Endeavorers will conduct two other tours this summer—the first to Phila­ delphia, for the International C. E. Con­ vention, then traveling along the East Coast, leaving California by train, June 27; and the second to Mexico for the Second Annual Mexico City Tour, leaving Los Angeles August 14. These two later parties will be personally conducted by Paul C. Brown, California State Field Secretary. Then let Him be the object o f our heart’s adoration, and enthroned as King in our lives, knowing that He will thus be glori­ fied and we shall enjoy the enriching bless­ ings which abound where’er He reigns. We shall then know more of the power of His resurrection which will give direction and effectiveness to our minds, that they may be consistently concerned to meet the chal­ lenge of the Celestial and enable us to more than conquer amid the ensnaring en­ ervation o f things terrestrial. The Episcopal liturgy has this collect in connection with our Lord’s ascension: “ Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that as we do believe Thy only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to have as­ cended into the heavens, so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend and with Him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.” And our place o f superlative privilege is to be risen with Christ, seated with Him in the heavenlies where alone all spiritual bless­ ings can be enjoyed. Because we are saved, we are saints; but saintliness is an attain­ ment o f the spirit when we have the mind of Christ, the same consciousness, disposi­ tion, and outlook. This spiritual enrich­ ment will bring with it one outstanding feature—that of gracious consideration o f others. _ Each will count the other better than himself in proportion as we are de­ termined to set our minds on things above. Life in Christ is a free gift, but likeness to Christ means being led by the Spirit— His other Self—living by the Spirit’s power and guided by Him continually away from the things on the earth, which include vainglory, provoking one another, and envying one another. Those are traits RISEN WITH CHRIST [Continued from page 127]


Fortells birth, death and resurrection of our Lord, the exact date o f the World War, sign­ ing "Of the Armistice, release of Jerusalem, as well as the economic conditions through which we are now passing. 40 pages illus.. price 35c. Three Copies With Chart* 10x12 Inches $ 1.00 W. M. M A C K 121t Avoca Ave. Pasadena, Calif. X I A T C Famous Paraguay Tea. Better for ¿y-af'-.A E V you than coffee, and Japan Tea. Healthful, economical and sustaining. A temper- ance drink. The best known substitute for alcohol. It has saved South America from the scourge of drunkenness. Non-acid, good for young and old. Make and use the same as Japan Tea. W ill you help us introduce it in the U .S.A .? More than 25 million use it now. Sent 25c for 4-oz. or $1 for 20-oz. Postpaid. Agents wanted. Pan American Tea Co., 1553 W . Jefferson, Los Angeles.

A L L E X P E N S E $ 152.50 A la s k a b o u n d ON THE C. N. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT . . . JOIN THE FOURTH ANNUAL . . . “ C.E.ING THE WORLD ” Fellowship Tour GO W I TH . . . Christian Fellowship JULY 12-26, 1935 - - FROM SAN FRANCISCO BY TRAIN A land and w ater croise to the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Personally conducted by L „ .Brow£-. State General Secretary. Organized sight seeing and shore visits. wBfllWrai “ " e r H ighway, tw enty-four hours in Seattle. The greatest travel bargain a ^W rm feH f° r SUcI* a com Plete Alaska tour. M ission Station contacts and C. E. Rally WRITE FOR FOLDER


CALIFORNIA CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION 301 Columbia Bldg., Los Angeles, 313 W . 3rd St.

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