April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
From this incident we learn that when God commits Himself to us in promise concerning any boon we have sought at His hand, the assurance implies and car ries with it light to show us what on our part is essential to the fulfillment o f the promise. . . . True faith keeps the soul lis tening for the guiding’ word of Him who has undertaken its cause. It is an evil thing when any hold we may have upon the promises makes us careless in unceasingly committing our way to the Lord. Neglect o f close, unceasing study of the Scriptures through which many o f our “excepts” are made known to us, shuts the door upon a host o f God’s deliverafices. — C h a r l e s G. M oore . MAY 17 Dearest and Best “ The word o f the Lord endureth for ever” (1 Pet. 1:25). My beliefs about many things change, and it is well sometimes that they should— but not those great vivifying beliefs to which the gospel introduces m e: beliefs which tell me o f the all-sufficiency o f Jesus Christ, in His redeeming blood, in His Holy Spirit, in His undying love, in Him- selffimy Brother and my God. My friends alter and pass—but not the Friend of friends to whom the Book leads me— Jesus, my Shepherd, my Master, my Dear est and Best. Lo, He is with me all the days, even to the end of the age, and then, throughout the limitless eternity on the farther side, I am glad—glad—glad that the word o f my Lord endureth forever. — A l e x a n d e r S m e l l ie . MAY 18 Desiring God’s Glory “ Our Father which art in heaven” (Matt 6:9). What is the first thought that the prayer presents? “Hallowed be thy name”— God’s glory—the thing for which Jesus was living—the first thought, therefore, in Christ’s heart; naturally the first desire that He puts into the lips o f His people! Now I have to ask, Can you present the prayer for God’s glory as a real desire of your own heart? . . . Is it in your heart to desire God’s glory? That is my first ques tion. But the second goes a great deal far ther. Can you honestly make that your first petition, or first desire, as you fall on your knees to God?—J. E lder C u m m in g . MAY 19 Twisted Together “ The Lord is the strength o f my life; of whom shall I be afraidt” (Psa. 27:1). Our word “strength” comes from a word signifying “twisted together.” “The Lord is the strength o f my life.” “ God is the strength of my soul.” Then my life is twisted together with the Lord ! God and my soul are two strands twisted together. One may have no strength at all, but while twisted together with one that is infinite, the weakest shall not fail. Then with what confidence we may say, “The Lord, the strength o f my salvation.” —G. B. F. H allock . MAY 20 The Holy Spirit and Prayer “Praying always with all prayer and sup plication in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18). The Spirit brings to our hearts, in the ministry o f prayer, the encouragement of God’s Word, the promises o f His grace, and the fullness o f Christ to meet our need. It is He who gives us such concep-
MAY 13 Moderation “Let your moderation be known unto all men” (Phil. 4:5 ). “Let your moderation be known.” Many of us, no doubt, know that the word mod eration here bears a special meaning, when we explain it by St. Paul’s Greek. It does not mean the moderation that is al ways afraid of an extreme; for sometimes the extreme is the road to truth. True is the word said long ago by a wise Christian man: “Let us go to the extremes of truth, if only we will go to both.” But modera tion here has nothing to do with the idea of the golden mean. The apostle’s Greek word means rather that moderation or rule upon himself which a man finds the se cret o f exercising in Jesus Christ. Prac tically, it means the elimination out o f the tone and habit and behavior and spirit of our life of that which we call self-will, self-love, and, generally, the life of self. — H a n d l e y C. G. M o u l e . MAY 14 Hidden Prayer “ These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1 :14). "Ptay without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). The prayer meeting may become a great power for good in a congregation and a spiritual help to both minister and mem bers. By means of intercesión, God’s bless ing is poured out at home and abroad. But there are also dangers to be considered. Many attend, and are edified, but never learn to pray themselves. Others go for the sake o f social and religious fervor, and have a form of godliness, but do not know the hidden life o f prayer. Unless there is much and earnest prayer in the inner chamber, attendance at a prayer meeting may be a mere form. . . . As the roots of the tree hidden deep in the earth, and the branches spread out to heaven, are one, so the hidden prayer life is inseparably bound up with united prayer. —God’s Best Secrets. Allured up to the mountain-top, with God alone, apart, There Spirit meeteth spirit, there speaketh Heart to heart; There God and I—none other; His secret place I find * A home of isolation sweet, all trouble left behind. — T e rste eg en . MAY 15 Sealed “Having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his” (2 Tim. 2:19). God writes His own name upon the men that are His. All their goodness, their gen tleness, patience, hatred of evil, energy and stretiuousness in service, submission in suffering, with whatsoever other radiance o f human virtue may belong to them, are really “His mark” ! There is no other worth talking about. Be very sure that your pro fessions o f inward communion and happy consciousness that you are Christ’s are verified to yourself and to others by a plain outward life of righteousness like the Lord’s. . . . Have you that seal of a visible righteousness and everyday purity to con firm your assertion that you belong to Christ ?— A l e x a n d e r M a c l a r e n . MAY 16 Our Part in the Deliverance'" “ Except these abide in the ship, ye can not be saved” (Acts 27:31).
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