April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
c Around the King’s Tabltj By Louis T . T albot
the dead, those, prophecies are not true. But if Christ is risen, the prophecies are fulfilled. Because of Christ’s resurrection, we may rely absolutely upon the infallibility of the Word o f God. Think what this assurance means. Think o f all the promises that are in the Bible. But how do we know that we may rely upon the truth o f them? Can we safely use them as a staff o f support in times of trouble? The resurrection o f Christ gives us our answer. In the resurrection, the Word o f God is fulfilled. And, in the resurrection, proof is given that all o f the Word of God is absolutely true. Third, the resurrection gives assurance of the sufficiency of the atoning work o f Christ to meet all our demerit and sin—to meet all our obligations to God. Before Jesus died, He took the cup in His hand and said: “ This is my blood . . . which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” How do we know that God would accept that‘sacrifice as being
Four Benefits of the Resurrection T h i s m o n t h there comes to our minds the thought of the darkest day and the gladdest day o f all the ages. The darkest day was that one when Christ was crucified. The very heavens wrapped themselves in midnight mourn ing. The creation was rent asunder as though its heart burst in mute grief. The Son o f God, the Creator, was put to death by the creature. He was laid in Joseph’s tomb, and the seal of human government was placed upon it. Had that seal remained unbroken, and had the tomb kept its prey, death would have been to every man an endless disembodiment, an eternal separation from God. Sin, hell, and death would have been triumphant. But, thank God, that darkest day was followed by the day o f greatest gladness. Gloom was lost in resurrection glory. Death caniiot keep his prey— Jesus, my Saviour, He tore the bars away- Jesus, my Lord!
adequate to meet the requirements of a broken law? The resurrection is our answer. In the market squares o f the Orient, merchants display their articles for sale. The purchaser lays down the price beside something that he desires. The moment the merchant lifts the price, the sale is made. The act is an indication that the price lifted has been accepted. A t the cross, Christ laid down His life. On the third day, God lifted the price. Thus it is that we can say in the words o f another, “ When Christ was crucified, the law was magnified, justice was satisfied, sin was nullified, God was glorified, and the sinner was justified.” Fourth, the resurrection assures
: “ Now hath Christ been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of them that are asleep.” And because He lives, we shall live also. What does the resurrection mean to us ? What does it guarantee ? First, the resurrection settles the question : Who is Christ ? The Lord Jesus Christ claimed to be God mani fest in the flesh. He dared to say: “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” He said also: “ I am the way, the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Further, He declared : “ If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” His word to those who re jected Him was: “ Whither I go, ye cannot come,” Jesus Christ made the
( S t i r i s i ------- THE LORD By HERBERT G. TOVEY
In my place He died; He was crucified. Full atonement on that day; All the price my Lord did pay. He arose! He lives!
Power supreme He gives. He is everything to me; Lord of all eternity.
us of life after death. Christ says to those who trust in H im : “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” Have you recently looked into the silent face o f a loved one who has died “ in Christ” ? Perhaps you have lost a kind mother, a de voted father, a good wife, a faithful husband, a darling child. The day is coming when the grave that holds your loved one will burst asunder. How do we know? What assurance have we for making such a bold statement ? Our answer is in the resurrection o f Christ. Christ is “ the firstfruits o f them that are asleep.” He said: “ Except a corn o f wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” I once counted on a cob of corn two hundred grains—all produced from a single grain that had fallen into the ground and died. By faith I see in the glory a great multitude which no man can number, saved not merely spiritually, but physically as well. Whence come they ? How was the resurrection of their bodies brought about ? The answer is that Christ died, that He rose from the dead, and because He lives, the graves that hold a great multitude are unlocked, and they come forth in resurrection glory with bodies like unto His glorious body.— L. T . T.
eternal destiny o f every man and every woman depend upon personal relation to Himself. And as proof that these things were true and that Jesus Christ was what He said He was, God raised His body from the grave, thus demon strating the truth of all o f Christ’s claims. Paul says He was “ declared to be the Son of God . . . by the resurrection from the dead.” The resurrection proves that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh and the only Saviour. Where is Buddha today ? He is held in the bonds of death. Wjiere is Mohammed ? Where is Confucius ? Their bodies have long since mingled with the dust o f the earth, as has the body o f every founder o f a human religion. But where is Christ? He is risen from the dead, and in His glorified body He sits at the right hand o f God. Second, the resurrection declares the truth of the Word of God. Hundreds o f years before Christ was born, the Word o f God prophesied that He would come, live, die, and rise again from the dead. This truth is distinctly stated in the Sixteenth Psalm and in the many other portions of the Old Testament. Psalm 16 says : “ For thou wilt not leave my soul to Sheol ; Neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption,” and the passage unmistakably refers to Christ (cf. Acts 2:25-27). If Christ is not risen from
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