King's Business - 1935-04

April, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“owe no man anything, but to love one an­ other,” and “let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification” (Rom. 13:8; 15:2). Is He the peace-offer­ ing, making and maintaining peace be­ tween God and man ? Then we, too, are to be blessed as “peacemakers” ; are to “walk as children o f light; . . . Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” ,(Eph. 5 :8 -ll). — H ubert B rooke . MAY 23 The Right Side of Pentecost “ The fruit o f the Spirit is . . . long- suffering, gentleness" (Gal. 5:22). In the ninth of Luke, we read that our Lord was passing through Samaria, and the disciples turned to Him, and said, “Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?” Now contrast that question with the plea o f Stephen, who lived on the right side of Pentecost, and who, as he was dying, said, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” . . . Something happened at Pente­ cost that altered the lives of men. Some­ thing changed their fear into courage, their doubt' into faith, their sadness into joy, their perplexity into certainty, their impotence into power, their self-seeking into sacrifice, their jealousy into fellow­ ship, their intolerance and zeal into love, and their quarreling into peace. Those are the kinds o f things that happen when we get on the right side of Pentecost. In actual experience, on which side of Pentecost are you living ?— S elected . MAY 24 Not an Act, but a Life “I f ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done iinto you" (John 15 :7). Beloved, in our amazement over our unanswered prayers, have we paused to think that the knowledge of God’s willing­ ness is the product only o f the prayer life? Prevailing prayer is not a spasmodic act that in some crisis mounts to the heavens and claims and receives, for its very bold­ ness. It is a life, and a continuous life. Every interruption of ^that life by trivial aims and doings paralyzes its power. The dear Lord does at times grant favors to those who live irregularly. But this kind­ ness is to lead them on to a closer union. — K e n n e t h M a c k e n z ie . MAY 25 What Matters "Every one that is called bv my name: for I have created him for my glory" (Isa. 43:7). The charge made by the prophet in the ancient days against the king of Babylon was couched in these remarkable terms, “ the God in whose hand thy breath is . . . hast thou not glorified.” . . . When Dr. Jowett was Master o f Baliol, on one occa­ sion, at dinner, a lady desiring to draw from him some smart witticism, asked him somewhat flippantly, “Tell us, Dr. Jowett, what do you really think o f God?” His answer was quick and sharp: “Madam, it matters nothing what I think of God. It matters everything what God thinks of me.” The declaration o f the text is su­ preme, “I have created him for my glory” ; thus man fulfills the purpose o f his being. Every man who is living for any lower thing than to glorify God is prostituting God-given powers.—G. C a m pb e ll M organ .

is there and bids you pray. And thus, said the apostle—and the dialect of the child gets simpler and simpler—“let your re­ quests be made known unto God.” Do not try to analyze while you are praying. You are not meant to philosophize while you pray. While you pray, tell God as if He needed the information. Somehow He does need it. From His own eternal point of view, He wants you to tell Him, therefore, He wants your telling. Tell Him. We have here God’s Word for it, that prayer with thanksgiving in everything, to Him whom we know in Jesus Christ, will issue in the peace of God.— H an d ley C. G. M o u le * MAY 22 Christ Our Example “ This ¡s the law . . . o f the sin offering, and o f the trespass offering" (Lev. 7 :37). The acceptance of the sacrifice is meant to lead us to the example o f Christ. . . . Is He the burnt-offering, a perfect dedica­ tion sacrifice to God? Then we, too, are bidden : “ Present your bodies a living sac­ rifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1) . . . Is He the meat-offering, presented to God for the service of man? Then we, too, are to

tions of Christ as awaken in us confidence of blessing. He opens to our vision the infinite resources of the grace of God, and shows us all the rich provision o f our Father’s house. Thus He is in us the Spirit of faith, the Spirit o f adoption, the Spirit of liberty in prayer, the Spirit of holy con­ fidence and enlargement of heart, and the witnessing Spirit, who, when we pray in faith, seals upon our soul the divine as­ surance that our prayer is accepted before God, and that the answer will be surely given. . . . The Holy Spirit will also teach us when to cease from prayer, and turn our petitions into thanksgiving, or go out in obedience to meet the answer as it waits before us, or comes to meet us. —A. B . S im p s o n . MAY 21 Simplicity in Prayer “ With thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God’’ (Phil. 4:6 ). While the reverence before God is to be deeper and deeper, the joy of having Him to adore and to speak to and use, is the more to grow. I f you have nothing you can consciously give thanks for at the mo­ ment, you can always give thanks that He


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