King's Business - 1953-11

NOVEMBER 25 c MASTER, HEAL HIM A heart-touching story of divine healing ■ WHERE PRAYER MEETINGS GROW BIG 2,000 every Wednesday


For a first century message, a 20th century

package see page 56

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A Message From Your Editors

A Frank Question To Y ou 9 Our Readers

W here do you stand on observing Christmas? W e don’t mean the general public. W e mean you. N ot your non-Christian friend. N ot your fellow church member. But you. Here’s a thought that may help you answer the question. Since Christmas is the observance o f Christ’s birth into this world our celebration o f this blessed occasion should be something that is honoring to Him. And our giving at Christmas is an indication just how honoring our observance is. There are a number o f gifts that speak o f Him and glorify Him. O f these gifts can you think o f any that is more Christ-honoring than a sound, Bible- centered magazine? That kind o f g ift not only says that you stand for Christ at Christmas, but it is a constant reminder— every month o f the year— o f your Christian thoughtfulness. So many o f you have told us that you have found the King’s Business has something for everyone. You’ll be interested to know that the "In Christ Is Life” monthly column, written just for the unsaved, has become so useful that one o f the largest tract pub­ lishers in America has asked for permission to put these columns into tract form . Just thumb through this issue and note the variety o f Christ-honoring subjects. Isn’t this the kind o f maga­ zine you want to give this year? For each o f you who care enough to give a Christ-honoring Christmas g ift we’re making a special g ift offer o f just $2 for 12 months. W e suggest you consider your pastor, the Sunday school teachers o f your church, outstanding young people, families in your church with children and o f course your unsaved loved ones. There is no sacrifice too great if it might strengthen some Chris­ tian or point an unsaved loved one to Christ. When you send in five g ift subscriptions at this special low price o f $2 we’ll extend your own subscription one full year absolutely free. This means a total saving o f $5 over the one year price o f $2.50 each. It will help our office staff i f you will send in your g ift orders now. O f course we’ll hold the g ift cards signed with your name so that they will arrive just before Christmas. You may use the reverse side o f this page for a handy order form. Thank you fo r help making this a Christ-honoring Christmas.

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N O V E M B E R 1 9 5 3

¡deader fëeucti ion BIG WORDS AND OBSOLETE PHRASES Sirs: Heretofore we have enjoyed every article in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . After receiving, our issue of September con­ taining Timothy Fetler’s “Christian Apologetics and Modern Thought” we changed our minds greatly. Why do you wish such difficult read­ ing on the American reader? Let Timothy display his big words and obsolete phrases in the class room. Since he is living in America let him speak American. An intelligent man speaks simple language. Please don’t wish any more such articles on us for we love the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Kenneth Kauffman APPROVAL FROM OHIO Sirsf I have just finished reading your article “ Christian Apologetics And Modem Thought” as appearing in the September K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I have read it with increasing interest and satisfaction. You have pointed out what I see around here as a major problem in so-called funda­ mental Christianity. People have memorized the cardinal doctrines but their lives lack the evidence of an effect-producing faith. The pride and hypocrisy and pharisaism of such barren lives is understandable and I believe of major grief to the heart of God. Upper Sandusky, Ohio • Richard Bolyard PSYCHOLOGY COLUMN Sirs: I am a psychology major in col­ lege. Your column has interested me Sirsi I was interested in reading your column in September’s K in g ’ s B u s i ­ n e s s . May the Lord bless and use you as you serve Him in this unus­ ual field. Placerville, Calif. Mrs. J. E. N. Dr. Narramore’s. monthly question and answer column is on page 34 of this issue — Ed. NEW DESIGN Sirs: May I commend you on the new design and greatly improved appear­ ance all-around. I am sure it will secure many new friends for the testimony. Waterbury, Conn. Rev. Edwin R. Anderson very much. Wheaton, III. H. B. H.

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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 114 Fifth Ave., Now York 11, N. Y. Publishers of the King James Bible since 1 675




D u h i n g the recent earthquakes that shook the stricken islands of Greece, a Greek mother gave birth to a baby girl. On that very same day, her

His daily meal is a scrap of bread and some olives. He has no Mother to take care of him, to dry a tear, to love and to cherish him for she, like many other

husband was killed, buried be­ neath the c rum b lin g ruins. LIFE AND DEATH— such is the story of Greece. Greece, today, is the land of sorrow and tears. Of all the nations in Europe, Greece has suffered most. In World War II, her land was invaded by the enemy and her soldiers and c itiz e n s killed. In the post war period, Greece suf­ fered the pangs of hunger and starvation, and thousands died. Her country was torn by the ravages of a civil war. Com­ munist g u e r r illa s from the North robbed her of her chil­ dren and stole them across the frontier. There has not been one year since World War II that Greece has not experienced disaster and ruin. Just a short time ago, as this tragic land was groping her w a y ba ck to l i f e and streng th , h er shores were shattered , s p lit open, and sowed with death by a suc­ ce ss ion of 100 earthquakes. Huge waves from an angry sea sw ep t ov e r her islands. Smoke and tum u ltou s thun- derings filled the air. Churches became heaps of rubble, and stark h y s te r ia raged among the horror stricken and desti­ tute survivors. There was no way of escape as the islands

Greek Mothers, was killed in the fighting in Greece. ONCE AGAIN DEATH LEFT ITS SCAR , A N D TH IS TIME, ON TH E L IVE S A N D HEARTS OF TH E C H IL ­ DREN OF GREECE! The European Evangelistic Crusade is in Greece today; our missionaries stand ready with a willing heart to bring p h y s ic a l relief and help to these unfortunate people, but above all, bringing them hope and sa lv a tion through the message of the Saviour’s love. We cannot ignore the desper­ ate situation and we know that our God is able to supply the needs of these dear people living under such tragic cir­ cumstances. W ill you not during this Thanksgiving season take this opportunity to express to God your gratitude to Him for His bounties to you in America by giving the Greeks a chance — a chance to hear the Gospel of Christ and a chance to be properly fed and clothed? We ask you to make this a matter of definite prayer. Your gifts, so urgently need­ ed, will be used in adminis­ tering to the physical and spiritual welfare of the Greek people. P lease address all gifts and correspondence for this purpose to:

Demetrios. One of the 400,000 Greek war orphans who need your love and sympathy.

were practically levelled by the upheaval. Bodies that could not be buried because of the ruins were burned in order to eliminate the danger of an epi­ demic. As far as could be determined, a thousand died and one hundred thousand were made homeless. DEATH TOOK ITS TOLL! The situation for the children of Greece is, perhaps, the saddest of all. The child, Demetrios, in our pho­ tograph is just one of the estimated 400,000 war orphans in Greece whose spiritual and physical future is very bleak. For a home, this child may have noth­ ing better than a pigsty. His bed is the earthen floor on which dirty rags are spread at night for a covering. N O V E M B E R 1 9 5 3


(Greek Relief Fund) Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S., Director for North America EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, Inc. 811 Westview St., Philadelphia 19, Penna. Dear Sir: W ith a glad and willing heart I enclose $........................ to help relieve the suffering of the Greek people. Assur- ing you of my prayers in this project of mercy. i NAME_____________ ’_________________________________ STREET__________ ____________ i_______________________ ■ ' I CITY_______________________________ _ STATF _________ I


This is the second in a series of messages to inform the Chris­ tian public about true condi­ tions in Korea today and to re­ veal the overwhelming needs of these brave people in the wake of the war. Our Government has an­ nounced r e lie f shipments are being made to Korea. This has led many folk to believe there is. no more need for individual help. The facts are Government help will go largely for reha­ bilitation of cities and towns. There is no way we can convey to you the tremendous personal suffering that continues every­ where in Korea as a result of insufficient food and clothing. The common people and, par­ ticularly, our Christian brothers and sisters need our help des­ pera tely during the winter months ahead.

This little tot searches through a garbage pail for a morsel of food. He does not know the comforts of home for his entire life has been lived amidst the ruins of war.

Dear Lord, Take Care of the Little Boys and Girls in Korea Tonight Over 200,000 orphans —less than one-third of them in orphanages..

is the great spiritual program which must also keep pace with a program to relieve physical suffering. The need staggers us and we are driven to our knees. But then we re­ member how God has worked through you in the past. As we re­ view the hundreds of tons of clothing you have sent and the large finan­ cial gifts, we know we can trust Him —and you—for the tremendous needs of Korea for another winter. Send bedding , clothing and contributions for Ko­ rean relief to — The Oriental Missionary Society 900 North Hobart Blvd. Los Angeles, California

left. I’ll never forget the cry as she stared at the shapeless form of her boy: ‘Here I left North Korea,’ she said-—‘everything gone—and I came here to this city of refuge only to lose my only child!’ And I heard in the voice of that mother the haunting cry of thousands upon thousands of mothers that are weeping all over Korea.” Another missionary reports seeing a baby sucking at the breast of its dead mother who had just lost the grim struggle against starvation. We of O.M.S. feel our great family —who has already helped so nobly— will want to again rally to Korea’s need in the months ahead. We are continuing to send tons of powdered food monthly; more than 2000 orph­ ans in 15 orphanages look to our hand monthly; widows and lepers are under our care also. And then there

T here is without doubt more con­ centrated suffering and agony in Korea tonight than any other place in the world—more personal tragedy than at any other time in history. O.M.S. missionary, Ed Kilboume, sent from this city of heartaches the following vivid picture of disaster: “A large fire in one of the Pusan refugee camps left 15,000 without shelter. As I walked through the smoldering ruins I heard the hyster­ ical cry of a mother who had left her boy in a hut that had just burned. I turned to a couple of Koreans and said, ‘Let’s go find him for her.’ In the midst of charred rubble we fin­ ally found him. There wasn’t much



Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Established 1910

Voi. 44, No. 11


chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT

ARTICLES WHERE PRAYER MEETINGS GROW BIG .............................................. 12 THE VICTORIOUS LIFE— Ruth Poxson ................................................... 14 OUR SUPREME REASON FOR THANKFULNESS— J. C. Massee ...... 15 MASTER, HEAL HIM— Elise Miller Davis and Edward S. Zelley, Jr... 16 THE GOSPEL BY MAIL ......................... ............ ........................................ 18 A, CHRIST CENTERED CHRISTMAS— Dorothy C. Haskin ................... 24 HOLLYWOOD AND THE GOSPEL .............................................................. 56 FEATURES READER REACTION ............... ...................................................................... 4 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF— Althea S. M ille r............................. 8 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ........................................................................ 10 WORLD NEWSGRAMS— James O. Henry ............................................... 20 DEVOTIONAL LIFE IN MODERN TIMES— Timothy Fetler ... ........ 21 CHURCH OF THE MONTH— The Peoples Church, Toronto ............ 22 OUT OF THE LAB— Donald S. Robertson ................................................. 23 HYMNS YOU LOVE— Phil Kerr ............................ ................................ 24 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ........................................................... 26 FINEST OF THE, WHEAT— Glenn F. O'Neal ......................................... 28 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE— Paul M. Aijian ................................................. 29 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ................................................................ 32 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING— Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 33 TALKING IT OVER— A psychologist answers— Clyde Narramore .... 34 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS— Oran H. Smith ............. ..... ............... 35 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS— Martha S. Hooker .................................... 38 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ..... ....................................................................... 40 IN CHRIST IS LIFE— Can I Be Forgiven? .............................................. 41 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ............ 46 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS— Chester J. Padgett..................................... 47 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS— Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 50 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ......................................................... 54 COVER Christian film producer-director Dick. Ross (Mr. Texas, Oil-Town USA) this month made on announcement that could be the biggest news yet for evangelical films. For the story see pages 56-58. P.S. Those draw­ ings surrounding Ross are scenes from his two new films to be released this month. — Photo: Lloyd Hamlll • Design & Art: Marvin Rubin.


managing editor LLOYD HAMILL

copy editor- ROSE HARDIE

editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND advertisIng manoger MILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA KINTER business manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER

editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Donald G. Davis Charles L. Feinberg • James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker • Margaret Jacobsen Glenn F. O'Neal • Chester J, Padgett Donald S. Robertson • Oran H. Smith Gerald B. Stanton

"The King's •Business;" : Date of expira­ tion wilt show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 , South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts maited' to us for consideration.

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office o f Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879* Acceptance for mailing at special rote of: postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A, by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business," 558 5. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION —• "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more of special rotes. Write for details; Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses, REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draff, express, or post office money order payable to

r e a c h th e c h i l d r e n * with , ! '^ = t by Lena Seiey Lawrence' S o n g s f o r C h i l d r e n . . . for home, Sunday School, Child Evangelism, program presen­ tation.. 75 Old Testament Stories and songs with Gospel application. Wendell Loveless says: “ Different . . . fine sense of melody and musical taste . . . catchy melodies.” Children learn best with music. (“ Build the Ark,” “ Noah,” “ Christ is Risen,” “ Only a Boy Named David,” etc,) Used and endorsed by Fuller Evangelistic Foundation, per copy from your Christian supply store ■ or write to: S IN G I N G S T O R I E S Dept-KB-l 1296 N. 5th Street, San Jose 12, Calif.


has beenone of the 50,000 served annualy at Victory Center in Chicago

I W o r k e d M o r e . . . n addy, you haven’t given me my ’lowance for helping Mama this week. I’ve worked hard, too, be­ cause I’ve tried to do some of Doro- theann’s work since she’s had the mumps.” Daddy’s dark -haired girlie was hard at work shining some copper- clad kettles when she reminded him of his oversight. With a twinkle in his eye he stepped close to her and asked: “Will 10 cents-be enough?” “Oh Daddy, I’ve worked more than 10 cents.” Rebuke and hurt burned in her eyes. Patting her gently on the head Daddy whispered: “ Come to me when you’ve finished here and you’ll get your allowance.” V ig o rou s ly app ly in g “ elbow grease” Sharon soon finished her job and skipped off to find her daddy. She knew when he patted her head that he was teasing about giving her only 10 cents. Her little heart rested in the assurance that Daddy would be fair with her. Now M other fell to meditating about a day when the secrets of all men’s hearts will be laid open before Him with whom we have to do. Many a task done in the energy of the flesh will have gone through the fire and been burned. There will be no reward. In exceeding bitterness of soul those saints will turn away. Saved? Ah, yes, praise God! But sorry and so ashamed of empty hands. No sheaves to lay at His feet. “ I worked more than 10 cents . . .” “ I know, dear child. But much of your work was wasted energy be­ cause the motives of your heart were not pure.” Then the disappointed child of God will be forced to ac­ know ledge that God’s books were kept with absolute accuracy. “Every man’s works shall be made manifest . . . and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide . . . he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work . . . be burned, he shall suffer loss” (1 Cor. 3:13-15),. What loss! Lord keep us pure of heart and motive that Thou alone shalt be honored and glorified. P.S. Sharon was fully rewarded.

Here in Chicago, at the crossroads of the na­ tion, the Christian Business Men’s Committee provides a pleasant stopping-off place for boys in the service, offering many facilities for their comfort and enjoyment. Perhaps your own son, a neighbor lad, or a relative has enjoyed a snack or a warm meal in out FREE canteen . . . relaxed in our game center or library . . . or partaken in a worship service. All are reached with the gospel . . . many find Christ daily. Victory Center In Chicago it reaching boys from every State in the union, Canada and foreign countries—365 days a year! It’s a Big, Expensive Job We Need Your Help! The Center is strictly non-sectarian and main­ tained solely by Christians. We covet your prayers and invite you to help us maintain this "Christian home away from homefor ouryouth in the services.” Send us a gift today. And for free literature, write Room , K 311 C H R IS T IA N B U S IN E S S MEN’S COMM ITTEE Washington at Dearborn Chicago 2, Illinois G O W N S • Pulpit and Choir • ■ t i l Headquarters for W ffm RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES

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PRESIDENT ENDORSES POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUECAMPAIGN P r e s id e n t d w i g h t d . e i s e n h o w e r and many of the top leaders in our nation recognize that only the Word of God contains the truths which can sustain men in these crisis, days. Nowhere is the crisis so grave, so world-shaking as in Korea. Blood-drenched, war-scarred Korea presents a more urgent need — a greater op­ portunity— for evangelization than any other nation in the world today. Out of the anguish of war and its terrible aftermath, the people


We must take the Word of God to Korea now ! The spiritual triumphs of the Gospel in the lives o f the men, women and children of Korea will not only

Korean Gospels of John Being Distribu­ ted by PTL.

affect profoundly the military and political decisions which must be made, but will deter­ mine the eternal destinies of thousands, per­ haps millions, of human souls. The Pocket Testament League campaign of Scripture distribution and mass evangelization in Korea is one of the most urgent and import­ ant gospel efforts in the world today. And it is your prayerful support that makes this work possible. Will you pledge your support? A l f r e d A . K u n z , Executive Director

of Korea are reaching out blindly for spiritual help and solace. PTL evangelists continue to take the gospel to American servicemen. Re­ member this work in prayerl



editor^desk Peace in a Stormy World





nn here recently appeared large headlines in our metropolitan papers I reading, “ Peace in Korea” . However, it seems that there are com­ paratively few people who even dare to hope that such is a true state­ ment concerning the actual conditions which prevail in that war-tom country. One is reminded, by way of contrast, concerning the “ peace” which is revealed in the Word of God. For only in His Word do we find what real peace consists of and the way by which it might be obtained. There are two aspects of peace revealed in Scripture. One is “ peace with God” ; the other is the “ peace of God.” Peace with God comes through acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. That is a judicial relationship which begins at the time of conversion. But the peace of God is of an entirely different type. That has to do more with fellow­ ship. W e can be at peace with God and yet not enjoy the peace of God. Peace with God is an act that is consummated once and for all in behalf of those who are bom again. But the peace of God is that which needs to be kept alive through daily contact and fellowship with Jesus Christ in simple faith, trusting in Him, and yielding moment by moment to His loving will. If we would know the peace of God for our own lives, we must follow the pattern of our Lord’s life insofar as it is humanly possible to do so. We must submit our wills to that of our heavenly Father. Where there is unrest in .a Christian’s life, it is due in large measure to the fact that he is endeavoring to project his will into his daily activities rather than submitting them to the Father’s will. We note also that throughout His life , our Lord manifested a spirit of meekness. So frequently we do not know the peace which He wants us to realize in our lives because of our proud, haughty, arrogant spirit which we so often reveal. If we would know that peace of Christ which passeth all understanding, we need to study very carefully the life of our Lord and follow Him as closely as possible in all of life. Kinsey: the Christian Viewpoint Probably no other book in modern times has been so widely publi­ cized as Alfred Kinsey’s new book on the sexual behaviour of females. Christians cannot ignore the book. Every thinking Christian will want to have an adequate answer for himself and for his unsaved friends. And every Christian parent will want an answer— from a sound Christian viewpoint— for his children. Next month such an answer will be presented in detail. W e have asked Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, who is perhaps the foremost Christian psychologist in America today, to give an adequate answer. Because of the vital importance of this to every Christian we urge each of you faithful readers to get this into the hands of as many as possible. W e believe the Kinsey hook is nothing but diabolical poison. This is your opportunity to counteract that poison. To help you get Dr. Narramore’s article into the hands of your friends we are making a special subscription offer of six months for just one dollar or six, six- month subscriptions for just $5. W e suggest you select families with children from your church. Be prayerful in your selection. W e’ll send each a gift card if you request it. Orders must be mailed within the next seven days for this special offer. A ll subscriptions will start with the issue containing the Kinsey report. Thank you for your interest in Christian morality.


If your youth group is looking for a song | book, we don't think you can find a better i * buy—-for YOUTH SINGS gives y o u . . .

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Chicago, Illinois— Scripture Press announces a Sunday School Idea Con­ test in which $ 2,000 in cash prizes will be awarded for practical ideas in five different phases o f Sunday School work: 13-week Sunday School curricu­ lum outline and one complete lesson, Handwork Ideas, Young People’s Pro­ grams (13-meeting curriculum and one program), Junior Church Programs, and Special Day Programs. Identical prizes will be given in each group, ac­ cording to Victor E. Cory, president. All entries must be made with the official entry blank available at your religious book store or Scripture Press in Chicago. THE PEOPLE SPEAK from Virginia— ". . . Since teaching the Intermediate Scripture Press les­ sons, emphasizing the workbook, and using My Counsellor, the class has grown from 8 to 14 in six weeks. We’re all enthusiastic about the work.” from Saskatchewan—"As constant users o f the All-Bible Graded Series, we are very grateful for material that really 'reaches’ the Sunday School stu­ dent according to his or her age-level. We find it, and freely term it, the best in the field.” from New Jersey—"When my chil­ dren started coming'home from Sunday School with more Bible knowledge than I ever knew, I started reading their Scripture Press lessons myself. Now I am enrolled in the adult course, and thoroughly enjoying my new-found knowledge o fthedeptho fGod’sWord. from British Columbia, Canada—' We have been able to build up another Junior Class since I sent my order for supplies. Your materials have done wonders in our Sunday School—attend­ ance has doubled. The Primary work­ books are a great attraction, and these children attend very regularly’ 1'

by teaching on the proper age-level for each department. Further, with the same basic lesson being taught through­ out a department, correlated worship opening or closing services are practi­ cal, and problems caused by teacher absentees are largely overcome.” MATERIAL TAKEN HOME BY CHILDREN INSTRUMENTAL INPARENTS’ CONVERSION Chicago, 111.—Letters received from pastors and parents alike have pointed out the tremendous influence exerted in the home by Scripture Press mate­ rials brought home by the children, according to the publishers o f the All- Bible Graded Series o f Sunday School lessons. Even Nursery and Beginner leaflets, which parents are asked to read to their children, have b£en known to teach older members o f the family with the Gospel. Enthusiasm among pupils o f all ages also is contagious as they show at home the materials given to them, studied by them and worked on by them at Sunday School. No figures are available on the percentage o f parents who thus are eventually led to faith in Christ, but wide-awake pas­ tors believe that the percentage is sur­ prisingly large. I’m particularly interested in thefollow ing: CRADLE ROLL □ , NURSERY □ , BEGINNER □ , PRIMARY □ , JUNIOR □ , INTERMEDIATE (JR. HIGH) □ , .SENIOR □ , ADULT □ , $2,000 IDEA CONTEST □ .

Wheaton, Illinois.— Stressing the need for unification of purpose through­ out the Sunday School, Dr. V. Raymond Edman, President o f Wheaton College, in a recent conference pointed out the definite advantages o f departmentally graded lessons. "A Sunday School with­ out a goal is bound to flounder, lose pupil interest and gradually strangle itself in maladjustments and inefficien­ cies o f the teaching staff,” said Dr. Edman. "Perfectly/ capable teachers may find themselves handicapped by trying to teach lessons not suited to certain age-levels,” he continued. Dr. Edman then pointed out that a Sunday School’s purpose is to evangelize and to educate each pupil in the whole of Scriptural teaching. "Departmentally graded lessons.” he said, "do just that,



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N O V E M B E R 1 9 5 3

Mr. and Mrs. R. Kilgore and friend, Mrs. Cress, are representative of many who drive up to 50 miles to attend the weekly prayer meeting conducted by Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

During Bible reading campaign Mrs. Cora Burwick finished it in braille (58 vols.).

where prayer meetings grc

Here9» how one ehureh regularly gets 2,000 out on Wednesdays

O ut in California they grow them big. And in Los Angeles . . . well, the Chamber of Commerce would like to make the rest of the nation believe that everything in the City of the Angels is done king size. And strangely enough the ballyhoo boys have some pretty impressive figures on their side. And this bigness' extends into re­ ligious circles. ■Los Angeles claims the largest Presbyterian church in the world (First Church of Holly­ wood) and the independent Church 12

bf the Open Door so far has had no one challenge their claim to having the largest prayer meeting in the world. The figure: 2,000 average with up to 2,500 some Wednesdays. Letters have come in from ’ pastors all over the nation asking how it’s done. To the church’s pastor, ex- Texan, J. Vernon McGee, the answer is simple. Get them into the Word of God. And to pastor McGee this is no figure of speech. He does get his people into the Word. His method is so simple that many

find it hard to believe. He starts- with Genesis and in 12 months takes the congregation through the entire Bible. That’s all. The people read and Pastor McGee explains. The key is that the people, many for the first time, read their Bible from start to finish just like any other book. In conjunction with the Through the Bible in a Year program, McGee has a daily radio broadcast and a book, Briefing the Bible,' that many of his people have found helpful in their study of the Word. THE KING'S BUSINESS

Pastor J. Vernon McGee has built huge prayer meeting by getting people to read Bible.

V ic to r io u s I L ife -M

By Buth Paxson

Every Christian is habitually either fleshly minded or spir­ itually minded . In a very real sense it is up to the individual to choose which it shall be for him . In this companion arti­ cle to last month’s **, Spirit-Filled Life” the author candidly sets forth man’s co-operation in liviny the victorious life

T wo broad classifications embrace all Christians, for each believer is either a carnal Christian or a spir­ itual Christian. These two kinds of life are vividly set forth in Romans 7 and 8, with the sharp distinguish­ ing line drawn at the last two verses of Romans 7: “ 0 wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” In our previous discussion on this subject, we noted that the pronoun “ I”—-representing the self, life as in control—is everywhere prominent in Romans 7, the chapter of defeated Christian experience. But Romans 8 is the story of control by the Holy Spirit. Every believer occupies a position on the right side of Calvary, having accepted Christ in His atonement for sin on the cross. But Romans 8 re­ veals the condition of the trusting Christian who is yielded to the Lord’s control. It is only such a one who can be described as “ Spirit-filled.” What is our part in cooperation with God in this matter? This question brings us to two definite statements and commands in Romans 8. First, we learn how the Holy Spirit gains inward control, and second, how He gains outward control over our lives. Inward Control: Having "The Mind of the Spirit" First, there must be inward con­

trol. The spiritual Christian will mind the things of the Spirit, “for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit” (Rom. 8:5). Next we read in the Revised Ver­ sion: “For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.” Are you fleshly minded or spiritually minded? You are one or the other. Which are you? We often describe people these days as being money-minded, or air-mind­ ed. Every Christian is habitually either fleshly minded or spiritually minded. Which are you? Let us consider that reference to those who “mind . . . the things of the' Spirit.” “Mind” — it is a very strong word. It refers to that which is the bent of your mind, not what is just your careless, casual thinking. What is the bent of your mind, friends? Oh, I know that some of you men are in business and you have to keep your mind on the affairs you are managing while in the office or shop. A woman in her home has to keep her mind on the things she is doing. You have seen people who think that if one is spiritually mind­ ed it is impossible to be practically minded. I believe the person that is most spiritually minded ought to be the most practically minded because a sp iritua l mind is a disciplined mind.

“Mind the things of the Spirit.” Friends, are we minding earthly things or heavenly things? There was never in this world a time when we so needed to guard our thoughts as today. I believe the devil is working overtime to confuse and pervert the thoughts of God’s people, to instill into the thoughts of men and women fear and impurity and hate and dev­ ilishness of all kinds and descriptions. Our Part in Co-operation The Holy Spirit is in us to make us heavenly minded and spiritually minded. Are we going to let Him do it? God gives us very clear teaching on what our part is in cooperation. In Second Corinthians 10:5, we read: “ Casting down imaginations, and ev­ ery high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” “Whatso­ ever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatso­ ever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). Glean your thinking. Take out the chaff and let only the wheat remain. If a thought comes into your mind like a fiery dart, you are not to blame, but you are to blame if it stays there a moment. If it is a continued on page 41



persecution. Conscience is free. We have learned to endure and to hope. The forests are full of game. Let us thank God and take courage to car­ ry on.” And we today may indeed thank God for that first day of thanksgiving in America. As the nation maintains a guard of honor at the grave of the Unknown Soldier “while the Repub­ lic shall last,” so we should build a memorial with a perpetual endow­ ment to this unknown soldier of faith who endured hardships and yet maintained his faith and courage with a paean of praise and a song of thanksgiving. Today, we are being driven anew to rea lize the essentialities of the Spirit of God. It is in Christ that all things remain unchanged — consist. Out of the character that has its source in Christ there arise courage, confidence, faith, love, loyalty, un­ selfishness, altruism. In America the things that count are the contribu­ tions that can be attributed to Christ. It is in Him and in the message of His gospel that we find whatever measure of honesty there is in public and private life, obedience to and reverence for law, and the unsoiled ermine of judicial integrity. Let us thank God that the nation still has a legacy of truth preached by the church. In the very time when the nation has turned away from Christ and His church, the nation lives on the reserve balance of character the church has laid up for it. Without those in teg rities which inhere in Christ, the nation cannot exist. Any adequate view of the world must compare humanity’s problems with Job and his problem of pain, Elijah and his problem of perplexity, and Isaiah with his problem of chaos. And it must take into account God, speaking to Job from the whirlwind, to Elijah in the still small voice, and to Isaiah in his vision of God. Hu­ manity’s cause is the cause of God, and He alone holds the answer to mankind’s need. As we think of all the mercies of God that enrich our lives at' this Thanksgiving season, we find that our supreme reason for thankfulness centers in the Lord Jesus Christ. His wondrous work at Calvary on our behalf, and His gracious empowering of us for our daily walk “ in him” lead us to ask: “What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits to­ ward me?” As we realize our human insufficiency, we can only reply: “ I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.” Yes, “We will rejoice in thy salva­ tion, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners.” END.

Eva Luoma Photo

our supreme reason for

by J. C. Massee

G iving of thanks to God is connect­ ed vitally with all spiritual ex­ perience. It recognizes God as the source of all good, and thus it con­ fesses God to be the source of benefits received. He it is who sends the rain upon the fields, makes fertile the soil, maintains the seasons, gives seedtime and harvest. He gives and sustains sanity of mind, the impulse to labor, the wisdom to plan, the ability to achieve. It is He who plants in our souls those essential virtues upon which homes are built, society es­ tablished, and life is made stable. All these and more are directly de­ pendent upon the goodness of God.

To the Christian, the origin of our national Thanksgiving Day is of profound interest and significance. “The Log of the Mayflower” dis­ closes that in the beginning of that awful fall, when 51 per cent of the memt ;rs of the first Plymouth Col­ ony 1ad died, when every leader of the c deny had suffered loss of wife or other member of his family, when crops had failed and the little band was confronted by a new winter of terrors, it had been agreed “ to hold a day of complaint to God.” Some unknown hero of faith pro­ posed instead a day of thanksgiving: “We are alive. We are free from


N O V E M B E R 1 9 5 3

S peeding more than 1000 travelers homeward from New York City, The Broker, crack Jersey-shore commuter train, was nearing a tem­ porary trestle at Woodbridge, N. J. Six trains had previously passed over this newly built trestle safely. But The Broker did not. With a flash of sparks and a giant roar, the train jumped the track, plunged down a 25-foot embankment. Coaches piled up in a tangled mass of grotesque wreckage. This disaster of February 6, 1951, was to prove the fourth-worst train wreck in American history: 85 killed, 500 injured. Here is the amazing story of one man among the injured —Bob Stout, of Locust, N. J.—and of the abounding and contagious faith of one woman—his wife, Mildred. Mildred Stout had just started cooking dinner. She only half heard the radio on the shelf above the sink: ‘‘Passengers mangled . . . Some of The Broker’s victims identified . . .” The Broker! Bob was on that train! The Rev.’ Roger J. Squire, pastor of the First Methodist Church of nearby Red Bank, N. J., had many parishioners on The Broker. His wife, listening to the radio, took down the names of those mentioned. Then the pastor went from house to house, lending sympathy and offering what help he could. He came to the Stout home as Mildred was kneeling by the crib of her child. The Rev. Mr. Squire offered a

and deeper into unconsciousness. He responded to no stimuli, no tests. His condition was too critical to permit X rays, but severe brain injury was susjfected. Mildred stayed in his room, praying almost constantly. The Rev. Mr. Squire was one of the few callers allowed. Wednesday passed. And Thursday. Every feeble pulse beat, every faint breath could have been the last. But, incredibly, Bob hung on. On Friday an eminent neurosur­ geon was called in. He scheduled an exp lora tory operation for Sunday noon. He didn’t mince words: the T he story, Master, Heal Him, is one we believe every Christian should read. There isn’t a per­ son who doesn’t have some need. And Jesus Christ is vitally inter­ ested in our every need. He cares far more for us than we could ever possibly care for ourselves. He is more anxious to answer than we are to ask. These things we know on the authority of His word. Each morning the editorial staff of the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart-cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a priv-

brief prayer for Bob and his family. Then he went on to others. Mildred felt a little better. Tall, lanky, -red- 11eaded, Bob was beloved in the church. Both Stouts sang in the choir, and Mildred remembered that she was to sing a solo on Sunday. The radio droned on. Some sur­ vivors were reaching their homes. To other families telephones were bring­ ing the wonderful words: I’m safe. But the Stout phone didn’t ring. And Bob didn’t come home. Mildred set out for Woodbridge. Snow was taking on the eerie colors of the scene as she approached the wreck. She heard the hiss of cutting torches, saw stretcher after stretcher being carried away. She joined the crowd seeking information at the nearby police station. There were women with twisted handkerchiefs, men trying hard to conceal tears, the incessant loudspeaker. Finally at 12:30 a.m. the beloved name came over the speaker: Robert Stout, in­ jured, Perth Amboy General Hospital. The three-mile drive to Perth Am­ boy was endless, the search through the hospital terrifying. Everywhere the injured, the dying, the dead. Bob, when Mildred found him, was tied in a strait jacket, crazed from a head injury. On his chart was the prelim­ inary diagnosis: Possible skull frac­ ture. And then: Last rites given at 10 p.m. Some kindly priest had done all he could. Next day Bob Stout sank deeper

Your Prayer



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