King's Business - 1953-11




Chicago, Illinois— Scripture Press announces a Sunday School Idea Con­ test in which $ 2,000 in cash prizes will be awarded for practical ideas in five different phases o f Sunday School work: 13-week Sunday School curricu­ lum outline and one complete lesson, Handwork Ideas, Young People’s Pro­ grams (13-meeting curriculum and one program), Junior Church Programs, and Special Day Programs. Identical prizes will be given in each group, ac­ cording to Victor E. Cory, president. All entries must be made with the official entry blank available at your religious book store or Scripture Press in Chicago. THE PEOPLE SPEAK from Virginia— ". . . Since teaching the Intermediate Scripture Press les­ sons, emphasizing the workbook, and using My Counsellor, the class has grown from 8 to 14 in six weeks. We’re all enthusiastic about the work.” from Saskatchewan—"As constant users o f the All-Bible Graded Series, we are very grateful for material that really 'reaches’ the Sunday School stu­ dent according to his or her age-level. We find it, and freely term it, the best in the field.” from New Jersey—"When my chil­ dren started coming'home from Sunday School with more Bible knowledge than I ever knew, I started reading their Scripture Press lessons myself. Now I am enrolled in the adult course, and thoroughly enjoying my new-found knowledge o fthedeptho fGod’sWord. from British Columbia, Canada—' We have been able to build up another Junior Class since I sent my order for supplies. Your materials have done wonders in our Sunday School—attend­ ance has doubled. The Primary work­ books are a great attraction, and these children attend very regularly’ 1'

by teaching on the proper age-level for each department. Further, with the same basic lesson being taught through­ out a department, correlated worship opening or closing services are practi­ cal, and problems caused by teacher absentees are largely overcome.” MATERIAL TAKEN HOME BY CHILDREN INSTRUMENTAL INPARENTS’ CONVERSION Chicago, 111.—Letters received from pastors and parents alike have pointed out the tremendous influence exerted in the home by Scripture Press mate­ rials brought home by the children, according to the publishers o f the All- Bible Graded Series o f Sunday School lessons. Even Nursery and Beginner leaflets, which parents are asked to read to their children, have b£en known to teach older members o f the family with the Gospel. Enthusiasm among pupils o f all ages also is contagious as they show at home the materials given to them, studied by them and worked on by them at Sunday School. No figures are available on the percentage o f parents who thus are eventually led to faith in Christ, but wide-awake pas­ tors believe that the percentage is sur­ prisingly large. I’m particularly interested in thefollow ing: CRADLE ROLL □ , NURSERY □ , BEGINNER □ , PRIMARY □ , JUNIOR □ , INTERMEDIATE (JR. HIGH) □ , .SENIOR □ , ADULT □ , $2,000 IDEA CONTEST □ .

Wheaton, Illinois.— Stressing the need for unification of purpose through­ out the Sunday School, Dr. V. Raymond Edman, President o f Wheaton College, in a recent conference pointed out the definite advantages o f departmentally graded lessons. "A Sunday School with­ out a goal is bound to flounder, lose pupil interest and gradually strangle itself in maladjustments and inefficien­ cies o f the teaching staff,” said Dr. Edman. "Perfectly/ capable teachers may find themselves handicapped by trying to teach lessons not suited to certain age-levels,” he continued. Dr. Edman then pointed out that a Sunday School’s purpose is to evangelize and to educate each pupil in the whole of Scriptural teaching. "Departmentally graded lessons.” he said, "do just that,



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City---------------------------------------------( )_______________ State_____________ ________________________________ Pastor □ , S.S.Supt.D, Dir.Chr.Ed. □ , Sec.D, Other_________________________;__________________ S C R I P T U R E P R E S S 434 SO. WABASH, CHICAGO 5, ILL, DEPT.KBA-113 11

c 1 Please send me * the attractive free b o o k , "How Firma Foundation', "giving full information on the All- Bible Graded Series of Sunday School Lessons.

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