King's Business - 1953-11

Over 859000 are taking correspondence course ho is Jesus Christ? Why do m illion s call Him Saviour? These are the first sentences

The purpose of the course is not to test the I. Q. of the reader but to get him to read the Gospel of John. Before the course is finished the student is asked if he is “Willing to forsake all other gods and acknowl­ edge Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.” Along with this he receives a decision card which he is invited to fill in if he feels sincerely inclined

to do so. He keeps the top portion of the card and the bottom part is returned to the Light of Life office. Hundreds of these cards have been sent in to the office. Not all of these indicate conversion. Most of the send­ ers will not be brought through with­ out prayerful and personal contact. Numbers, however, have been gen­ uinely converted. From Western In­ dia a carpenter-caste Hindu writes telling of his conversion and baptism. He lost his job as a result of his conversion but rejoices in the fellow­ ship that he is enjoying in a fine Christian church. From Delhi a stu­ dent writes, “The lessons have proved to me so useful that I cannot de­ scribe it in a few words. But in short I can say that before I was in a dark world, now I am in a light world.” From southern India a student writes “ I am very thankful to you that you have sent to me the lessons of Light of Life and led me in the right path of Jesus. Now I am a new person before God and I believe that Christ is my Saviour.” A doctor from west­ ern India writes “ I have not only enjoyed these lessons but received the assurance that I am a child of God

from a brief but pointed ad appear­ ing today( in newspapers in India. The ad is on the behalf of the Light of Life correspondence course that has found its way into the hands of 85,000 men and women in India in the last four years. With the Gospel of John as the textbook this Bible study has been printed in 10 lan­ guages in India and has provei. so popular that some 3,500 new students are signing up every month. Director of the course is Don Hil- lis ( B io l a ’32), who works with the Evangelical Alliance Mission. Hillis, whose twin brother, Dick heads Ori­ ent Crusades operating out of For­ mosa (See K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , April), has been a missionary in India for 16 years. In 24 brief lessons the student is taken carefully through the Gospel of John. In order to sustain the interest of the student a variety of examina­ tions are given. The essay question, true and false, fill in the missing words, match the phrases, find the reference and underline the correct answer are among the methods used.

Don Hillis For a student, a new world of light.



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