King's Business - 1953-11


James O. Henry, M.A., Editor, Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible Collegi

stated Dr. John L. C. Griffin, health education department of the Los An­ geles City Schools, at the Institute of Scientific Studies for the Prevention of Alcoholism at Loma Linda, Cali­ fornia. Dr. Griffin said that, “He thought the new guidebook was slanted so that teachers can interpret it as being in favor of drinking, and a large number of teachers will not use it because of its apparent bias in favor of the use of alcoholic bev­ erages.” The health educator is author of another manual on alcohol educa­ tion which was turned down by the state department of education, be­ cause, he said, it “ termed alcohol a habit-forming drug and actively dis­ couraged its use by young people.” Bibles Behind the Iron Curtain A barrage of 10,000 balloons carry­ ing small Bibles will be floated into Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia under the auspices of the Interna­ tional Council of Christian Churches. Evangelist Billy James Hargis of Jop­ lin, Mo., chairman of the project, ar­ rived in the United States from Ger­ many recently to appeal to the U. S. State Department to give final clear­ ance' to float the hydrogen-filled bal­ loons into the countries behind the . Iron Curtain. Lincoln White, press officer for the U. S. State Department, told the press that he “ doubted that approval or clearance by the govern­ ment was needed ,” and that the “ State Department as a matter of principle welcomed spiritual aid of any kind including, if feasible, the distribution of Bible texts through appropriate channels and agencies to populations in areas deprived of re­ ligious freedom.” Based upon this opinion, Evange­ list Hargis wired members of his com­ mittee in Nürnberg, Germany, to proceed with the project. Christian Amendment Bills in Congress On June 11, 1953, the Honorable Ralph Flanders of Vermont intro­ duced a Christian amendment resolu­ tion in the United States Senate. The

Cargo Shipment Thefts In a recent conference called by an agent of the FBI it was revealed that pilferage and shortages from trucks in California amount to over $1,500,000 a year. Thefts from inter-state shipments of railroads and the docks amount to many more millions. Agent John F. Malone of the Federal Bureau of Investigation met with representatives of shipping companies to map plans to deal with the desperate situation. When these figures are multiplied by the number of states in our Un­ ion, we have conclusive proof that man is not getting better. Science Searches A tom ’ s Depth Science is moving closer and closer to the ultimate—the heart of the atom, the nucleus which is glued to­ gether by some imponderable force— it was revealed recently by Stanford University researchers. Through new and powerful instru­ ments, the researchers have peered into the atom 10 times deeper than ever before, but the final point at ' which matter vanishes into imma­ terial has not yet been seen, accord­ ing to the report. The devices are the world’s most powerful electron linear accelerator and high energy electron scattering apparatus, and the combined ma­ chine was constructed in the hope of uncovering the secret answer to the eternal question— what is mat­ ter? Unable to see the limits of the macrocosm, the great and perhaps in­ finite universe, the Stanford men are also, as yet, unable to see the final composition of the microcosm as it seethes in the atom. “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God . . .” Deut. 29:29. It may be that the secret of the heart of the atom belongs to God and will never be revealed to man. 'Sew Manual On Alcohol Education Condemned “California’s high school students fail to get proper education on use of alcohol, and a new manual being circulated to teachers by the State Department of Education is biased in favor of alcoholic beverage use.” So 20

Honorable Robert D. Harrison of Ne­ braska introduced an identical bill in the House on July 2, 1953. Our forefa thers dedicated our country to God. The Mayflower Com­ pact, the Compacts of the Colonies, the Articles of Confederation, and the Declaration of Independence were all undergirded with acknowl­ edgments of God and the Christian faith. But in the Constitution there is no mention of God or Christ or the Bible. The Christian Amendment is designed to correct this omission. Three sections make up the pro­ posed amendment. The first states that “ this nation devoutly recognizes the authority and law of Jesus Christ, Saviour and Ruler of nations, through whom are bestowed the blessings of Almighty God.” The second section safeguards the rights guaranteed in the First Amendment. Section three makes provision for citizens whose religious scrup les m igh t prevent them from giving allegiance. The K insey Heport There has been no small stir about the much-ballyhooed new contribu­ tion to popular literature by Messrs. Gebhard, Martin, Pomeroy, and their co-author Kinsey, known as the Kin­ sey Report. However there has been a recent release of a book Sex and Religion Today which perhaps will have a tremendous influence in off­ setting the Kinsey Report. The book is written by Simon Doniger and is published by the Association Press. It is a symposium of the views of a dozen distinguished Protestant reli­ gious educators, psychiatrists and psy­ chologists. It quotes a lengthy and comprehensive review of the report written by Aram Scheinfeld, writing for Cosmopolitan magazine who read the proofs of the Kinsey book. The reviewer makes the following state­ ment about the report. “Among all of the hundreds of pages of statistics, tables and text . . . I could recall see­ ing nothing about two- experiences which one would certainly suppose, have a great deal to do with a wom­ an’s sexual behavior: motherhood — and love.” THE KING'S BUSINESS

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