King's Business - 1953-11

Church of the Month

ThePeoples Church Toronto, Canada I A people who ask: of world missions. This year a bud­ get of $262,000 has been set to sup­ port the church’s ‘315 missionaries and to send out at least 25 new work­ ers. All of these workers serve in more than 27 countries spreading the gospel message.

“Why should anypne hear the Gospel twice before others have heard it once?“

Dr. Oswald J. Smith

F ire and police chiefs have demand­ ed that audiences be cut down. Again and again it has been an­ nounced over the air: “The church is full, stay home and listen in, there is no more room.” And still the peo­ ple come, proving that evangelism will pack any church. This is happening in Toronto, Can­ ada at the Peoples Church with its spacious auditorium on Bloor Street. It is the scene of a spiritual vigour reaching around the world. Dr. Oswald J., Smith began his ministry there in 1930. Since then there has been a remarkable growth and expansion especially in the field

between the campaigns and now have four main meetings, two on Sundays, a Wednesday night meet­ ing with a full choir and a Friday night prayer meeting. The church also has an active young people’s society and Sunday school. At the present time there are approximately 3,000 on the church roll. Associate pastor of the church is Dr. Smith’s son, the Rev. Paul B. Smith. They have also been assisted in the past few years by 86-year-old veteran preacher, Dr. P. W. Philpott. The Peoples M-agazine is the offi­ cial publication of the church and its missionary society.

As a young man Dr. Smith re­ sponded to a call to serve the Lord on the foreign field. He was unable to go but was convinced he should help to serid others. The Peoples Church started with a missionary convention and a series of evangel­ istic campaigns; the first campaign lasted for six months w ithou t a break. They felt the need for services

The thermometer climbed until it reached $262,000 at annual missionary convention. There are now 315 workers on the field. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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