King's Business - 1953-11

VICTORIOUS LIFE continued the flesh, but after the Spirit.” What does “walk” mean? It is our daily living, our habitual conduct before the world, our life in the'open. It is what we are, translated into what we do. Walk not after the flesh. There is a walk that befits each sphere. When we are on the form er side of the Cross in the flesh, we cannot walk any other way but after the flesh. There is no other way to walk. But does it look reasonable and right and consistent when we get on this sa lvation side o f the Cross in a totally new position, “ In the Spirit,” to be still walking after the flesh? Why did we take this new pos i­ tion, anyway? Why d ishonor our Lord by coming to this side of the Cross and by so doing to fell people that we will walk differently, that we will walk as Christ walked, and then continue to walk as self dic­ tates and desires? Oh, if we just had some conception of what our manner of living means as we move in and out among men! They know that we publicly confessed Christ through baptism, and that by baptism we were saying that we now belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we walk just the same as those who have not /accepted Christ as Saviour. Oh, the dishonor we bring to our Lord! It is no wonder that they say, “ If being a Christian means being what he or she is, I do not want to be a Chris­ tian!” Over and over again I hear that said. Could it be said of any of us today? Now how are we to walk? “ As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him” (Col. 2:6). You are in Him. That is your position. Then “walk ye in him.” “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked” (1 John 2:6). Oh, what a standard! God said it; friends. Are you and I willing to take it—to walk even as He walked? I believe He walked so that His very face, His manner, His habits, His com­ panionships told people who He was. It should be so with you and with me. He walked according to the will of God, the Word of God, the ways of Qod, when He was on earth. Walking in the Light of God's Word A few months ago, I was in a Christian college in a southern city and four dear girls asked whether they could come to see me together. I surmised what they were going to ask about. One of them was spokes­ man, and she said, “Well, Miss Pax- son, we have just come to ask your opinion about dancing. We do not think it is wrong.” Notice that—they

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Women's Christian Medical College Ludhiana, India Training young Indian Women to become doctors, nurses, dispensers, mid - wives The new Government of India is demanding an upgrading of this medical college by 1953. If this is not done it will mean that this sound, evangelical work of over fifty years will be cur­ tailed. We need funds AT ONCE for equipment, scholarships, our Surgeon’s salary. Miss Sue Weddell— Ludhiana Christian Medical Committee, 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

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