King's Business - 1953-11

pathway (Psa. 119:105). God’s Word de­ mands separation from all sin and un­ righteousness (2 Cor. 6:14-18). Present your body unto God. (Study Rom. 12:1,2.) Ask yourself if this pas­ sage is true of you. Have you definitely given your body to Jesus Christ? (See 1 Cor. 6:19,20.) Hate the wrong wherever you find it. (Study 1 John 2:14-17.) What does John mean by the world in this passage? What does love for the evils of the world in­ dicate about the man who loves the same? Why should the believer not love the world (v. 16)? Dec. 13, 1953 Many people know about the Bible, but comparatively few know the Bible. To many the Bible is a dry, dull, dis- interesting volume. But to the sincere be­ liever who wants to know the Lord Jesus better the Bible is a living Book. (Study Jer. 15:16 in this connection.) What is indicated by the word found in this text? What did Jeremiah do with the Word of God when he found it? What does this figure of speech portray? How do we eat the Word of God? What is the result of thus eating the Scriptures? Is this true of you? Why the Believer Ought to Enjoy the Bible The believer ought to enjoy the Bible because it is the Word of God. Were you to receive a communication from some great person how you would delight your­ Enjoy The Bible Psa. 19:7-10; 119:97-104

self in that letter. Let us remember that the Bible is God’s holy Word; it is ac­ tually from Him! Knowing this should thrill our soul and help us to love and appreciate His Word. (Study 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.) What does the phrase inspired of God mean? Did God inspire just the thoughts or also the very words in the original writings (1 Cor. 2:12, 13)? For what purpose did God give us the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16, 17)? What do these words mean— doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness? Look up this verse in a good commentary. If you do not own a commentary, ask your pastor to let you use his. How Can the Believer Enjoy the Bible? First, let us remind ourselves that only the believer can get out of the Bible true spiritual enjoyment. To all others the Bible is a closed Book (1 Cor. 2:14). Who is the natural man spoken of in this verse? (Compare 2 Cor. 5:17.) How does a man change from a natural man to a child of God? To enjoy his Bible the believer must study it. (See Jer. 15:16 again, and study 2 Tim. 2:15.) Study through the Bible book by book. The following steps in such study may prove helpful: 1) Begin with Genesis and work through to Revela­ tion. Before starting to read the book you have selected read up on the background of this particular Bible book. You will find this information in any good one- volume commentary such as Jamieson, Fausset and Brown. 2) Read through the CONTINUED ►

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Associate Professor of Bible Biola Bible College Dec. 6, 1953 Shall I Be One of the Crowd? 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Rom. 12:1-3; 1 John 2:14b-17 One of the chief reasons many young people and adults walk contrary to the testimony of their conscience and the Word of God, is because they dare not cross the will of the crowd. W e need to remember that the popular thing is often the wrong thing. Such is true with regard to drink and the use of narcotics of any kind. Because 75% of American people drink is no reason why you should; be­ cause 75% of American high school young people have lost their purity is no reason why you should. W e need to emphasize the right thing today, not necessarily the popular thing. Let us see what God’s Word has to say about this subject. Why Some People Cater to the Crowd Some people will not do the right thing but go the Way of the crowd because they are deathly afraid of ridicule and criticism. A ll of us have had the experi­ ence at some time or other in our life of doing something we knew was wrong simply because we did not dare to make ourselves conspicuous by our difference. We need the spirit of our Lord Jesus in this regard—He cared not for the praise of men as long as He had the favor of the Father. His determination to do the right thing, and the will of God for His life led Him to the cross (Mark 8:27-33; 14:35-38). No man can do the will o f ’ God without incurring the criticism of the world; let us, then, expect it, face it, and triumph over it (John 15:18-21). The fear of not being popular leads many to walk with the crowd. It is bet­ ter to be popular with the Lord and with His people than to be popular with those who oppose Him and in so doing oppose themselves. Separated Unto God Obey the Word of God. God’s Word is the only safe standard of faith and prac­ tice. It is God’s divine light on your

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