King's Business - 1953-11

YOUNG PEOPLE continued book at one sitting as possible. 3) Deter­ mine the central truth of the book—write this out. 4) Determine the broad outline of the book. 5) Having now discovered the general plan of the book, study through the book, paragraph by paragraph, keep­ ing your heart and mind open for prac­ tical applications of the truth to your own life. In all your Bible work make sure that you study it prayerfully, regularly, and obediently (Matt. 7:21-29; Jas. 1:22-25). Dec. 20, 1953 The Messiah Is Born! Isa. 9:6, 7; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2; Luke 2:8-14 In just a few days we will be cele­ brating the birthday of the Saviour, and what a joyous and wonderful season this is! What kind of a world would this be if Jesus Christ had never come? In the coming of the Lord Jesus to this world many Old Testament prophecies were ful­ filled. One of the wonderful things about the Bible is this prophetic character. Cen­ turies before the coming of Christ the in­ spired writers wrote down the circum­ stances of His coming. In this lesson we want to study some of the Old Testament prophecies and note their fulfillment in the person .and work of Jesus Christ: He was to be bom of a virgin (Isa. 7:14 with Matt. 1:22, 23); He was to be born at Bethlehem (Micah 5:2 with Matt. 2:1-8). It is wonderful that, with all the thousands of cities and villages in Palestine, that the prophet should single out a little obscure hamlet as the birthplace of the King. And yet, in due time, it was just here that He came; there was to be a slaughter of chil­ dren in connection with His birth (Jer. 31:15 with Matt. 2:16-18); He was to be called out of Egypt (Hosea 1 1 : 1 with Matt. 2:13-15); He was to be anointed with the Spirit (Isa. 11:2 with Matt. 3: 13-17); He was to make an entry into Jerusalem, and the very details are given in the prophecy (Zech. 13:7 with Matt. 21:1-6); He was to be betrayed by a friend (Psa. 41:9 with Matt. 26:14-16); He was to be forsaken by His disciples (Zech. 13:7 with Matt. 26:56); He was to be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zech. 11:13 with Matt. 27:3-10); He was to be spit upon and scourged (Isa. 50:6 with Matt. 27:26-31); not a bone of His body was to be broken (Ex. 12:46 with Psa. 34: 20 and John 19:31-37); He was to be offered gall and vinegar (Psa. 69:21 with John 19:28-30); He was to have His hands and feet pierced, His garments part­ ed and lots cast (Psa. 22 with John 19: 16-24). Again we say that only the Word of God could make such detailed predictions, every one of which was fulfilled exactly as stated by the prophets. Because this is true we may have complete confidence in the Bible, and we may know ¿hat just as these prophecies related to our Lord’s first coming were all fulfilled, so also shall all the many prophecies in the Bible relating to His second coming be fulfilled exactly as they are stated.



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