King's Business - 1953-11

Dec. 27, 1953 Behold I Make All Things New!

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é ^ x c i t i n c f i u leren t! CHRISTIAN YOUTH ► young people’s weekly► f t Smart in appearance, rich in content, this 12-page, illustrated weekly is tuned to the needs of today's younger genera­ tion. Your young people will be able to put to immediate practical use meeting plans and topic outlines, ideas for socials and special events, and other special fea­ tures. r a n j

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Rev. 21:5-7; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 2:8-10 The Bible speaks about many new things. God is original and fresh in all that He does, and whatsoever He does is good. It is interesting to study through the Bible and to note the references to new things. Such a study comes with special meaning as we close an old year and look forward to beginning a new one. The New Covenant Matt. 26:28 In this text our Lord speaks of the new testament. A testament is another word for covenant or promise. Here the Saviour refers to the new dispensation, or age, which He was inaugurating. With the death and resurrection of Christ God’s people passed from the Old Testament period (one of preparation) to the New Testament period (one of fulfillment). The promise of this new dispensation is that of full and free salvation through simple faith in the finished work of Christ (Acts 4:12; Gal. 2:16). There is now full and complete a ton em en t for our sins, something that could not be said of the Old Testament period (Rom. 3:21-26). The pledge of the New Covenant is the b lo o d o f C h rist (Matt. 26:28). Through His precious blood (1 Peter 1: 18, 19) we have redemption, the forgive­ ness of our sins (Eph. 1:7). Get a con­ cordance and study through the New Testament passages which refer to the blood of Christ. Have various members of your group read these verses and dis­ cuss them together. The New Birth John 3:3-7 Who needs the new birth? Notice some of the things about Nicodemus—an edu­ cated man, a spiritually-minded man, etc., and yet he needed to be bom again. Note in this passage the source of the new birth (v. 6 ). Note the necessity of the new birth (w . 3, 5.).. What does it mean to see the kingdom of God? What does it mean to enter into the kingdom of God? How does verse 8 indicate the mysterious element in the new birth? What does Nicodemus’ question in verse 9 indicate as to his need for the new birth (cf. v. 3). The New Creation 2 Cor. 5:17 When a man is born again by faith in Jesus Christ he becomes a new creation. Note that this verse speaks of being in Christ. What does this statement mean? How does one get in Christ? (See Gal. 2: 20; Eph. 2:5-9). What old things pass away when a man becomes a true Chris­ tian (cf. Gal. 5:17-21). The New Heaven and the New Earth Rev. 21:5-7 When does the creation of the new heaven and new earth take place? Study the chronology of events given in Revela­ tion chapters 2 0 ,2 1 for your answer. What will be the' situation among men in the new heaven and earth (21:4)? Is this not a wonderful hope? And is not this a worthy goal for God’s universe? Do you know Christ as your Saviour so that you can share in the future glory?


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