King's Business - 1953-11

the Lord Jesus? Have you been ashamed to tell others that you belong to Him? Remember, “We ought to obey God rather than men” , and God has told us to tell others about His Son. Pray that He will make you proud to have others know that you are a Christian even though they might persecute you -for talking about your Lord. Dec. 13, 1953 One Human Race Acts 10:9-15; 25-28; 34, 35; 44, 45 Pointers on the Lesson This lesson is planned to stir Christian conscience anew with the truth that God recognizes no distinctions of class or race, and that those who are most like Him make no such distinctions. This is not al­ ways an easily acquired attitude for many of us seem prone to lay too much empha­ sis upon color of skin or upon what side of the tracks people live. Galatians 2:11- 14 records how Peter failed to maintain this Christian virtue and merited reproof from the Apostle Paul, as do all of us when we are less than Christian in our attitude toward others. God's Revelation of the Church w . 9-15 The sheet in this vision is typical of the church. A ll within it tire cleansed, whether Jews or Gentiles (v. 15). They beconre one body in Christ Jesus through the creative act of regeneration. There is no room for race distinctions in His body. Note where it was that Peter was given his vision. It was at the place of prayer— “ upon the housetop” (v. 9). In Palestine the typical roof is flat and to it the peo­ ple often repair for various purposes. The pious folk often used it for prayer in Peter’s day. A practical thought may well be suggested here, namely, that God often grants “ visions” in the place of prayer. That is, He there manifests His w ill and grants spiritual blessing. God's Revelation of Impartiality vv. 25-28, 34, 35 Cornelius made the mistake of attempt­ ing to worship Peter (v. 25) because the angel had directed him to send .for Peter to instruct him in the things of God (w . 3-6). But no man is to be worshiped. Only God is worthy of worship. Peter was quick to so inform Cornelius (v. 26). Let us take these words to heart and re­ member that men can only be servants of God and must never be thought of too highly, certainly never worshiped. Having set Cornelius right on this matter, Peter then proceeded to show him how, in the new dispensation that was dawning, God was breaking down the middle wall of partition that had so long existed to sep­ arate Jews and Gentiles (Eph. 2:14) and was now considering them both on an equality. The heart of the situation is ex­ pressed in verses 34 and 35 where it is definitely stated that “ God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” In other words anyone who will by faith accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour will come into a saving relation with God and become a part of the one body whose head is Christ. CONTINUED ►

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