King's Business - 1953-11

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued Study Ephesians, chapter three, on this matter. It is one of the revealed mysteries of God how in this dispensation He is making one new body out of both Jews and Gentiles. Thus color and race are no barriers to God’s salvation. Christianity belongs to no particular people. It is ev­ erybody’s. Compare on this also Acts 17: 24-28. Pentecost Extended vv. 44, 45 As on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) the door of the gospel was opened to the Jews so in the passage before us we see that same door opened to the Gentiles. Similar accompaniments as noted on the day of Pentecost are found here also. It may be considered as Pentecost extended. Helps For the Children Our Father Matt. 6:9; Rom. 10:12, 13; Gal. 3:28 Memory Verse: ". . . all of you are chil­ dren of the most High" (Psa. 82:6). During the days of the first Christian churches, the Jews thought that the gospel was for them only; no one except a Jew could be saved. The great missionary Paul told the Christians in Rome that “there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whoso­ ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Another time Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia: “ Ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” One of Satan’s favorite lies today is that all of us are children of God because He created all of us and is the Father of us all. The Bible tells us that only those who receive the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as their Saviour are children of God. The Saviour died for all, and God desires that all should become His children. Those whom Satan has caused to believe his lie refuse to accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour from sin. Sometimes those who are Christians be­ lieve that the Saviour died for only those of their race or land. This too is one of Satan’s lies. The Lord Jesus died for one race just as much as for every other race. Christians who do not love those whose skin is a different color than theirs, do not love their Lord as they should. Dec. 20, 1953 Let The Prince of Peace Rule Isa. 2:2-4; 9:2, 5-7; Luke 2:8-14 Pointers on the Lesson The heart of Christmas is Christ. Leave Him out of this great day and it loses its real meaning. The world needs to be reminded again at this Christmas season that the only hope for la s tin g peace among men or nations is through Christ. The Glories of Christ's Future Kingdom Isa. 2:2-4 This portion of the lesson takes us to the time of Christ’s Second Coming “ in

the last days” (v. 2) when He will estab­ lish His millennial kingdom of peace and glory. W e see here, (1) an established kingdom, v. 2 — “ shall be established” ; ( 2 ) an exalted kingdom, v. 2 — “ shall be exalted” . (Note that “mountains” and “hills” refer to the governments of this world.) W e see also (3) an attractive kingdom, v. 2 —• “ all nations shall flow into it” (cf. Gen. 12:3 and Zech. 8:20f.); (4) a Christ-centered kingdom, v. 3— “ he will teach us of his ways,” etc.; (5) a just kingdom, v. 4— “ he shall ju d g e among the nations” ; ( 6 ) a peaceful king­ dom, v. 4— “ neither shall they learn war any more” ; and (7) a universal kingdom, w . 2-4— “ shall be established in the top of the mountains” . The Prophecy of the Coming King Isa. 9:2, 5-7 The times were very dark in Judah due to the coming Syro-Israelitish inva­ sion. But hope is given by the prophet in the promise of the Messiah who is seen in both His comings. God would not forget Israel. He is as a light in the midst of the darkness of the hour (v. 2 ). He is to be born as a child, a picture of His humanity, and will be given to the world, a picture of His deity (v. 6 ). Ru- lership will be given unto Him and He is characterized by the wonderful names which are given to Him (v. 6 ). Consider the import of each of these names. They are full of significance. Verse 7 sets forth the enduring quality of the Messiah’s kingdom. It is good to be joined to such a One whose future victory is assured. Fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy Luke 2:8-14 In the Luke Christmas story we have the wonderful account of the fulfillment of prophecies made 700 years before. The announcement of this fulfillment was giv­ en to humble shepherds (v. 8 ). Why to them? Doubtless because God knew they would receive the announcement in full faith. It was accompanied with heavenly manifestations, an angelic voice and the glory of the Lord (v. 9). It was a joyous announcement (v. 10). It was Christo­ centric (w . 11,12). Though He came as Saviour and Lord yet He appeared in the humility of a babe. Finally, the an­ nouncement brought forth a song (w . 13, 14)._ Has Christ put a song in your heart? Helps For the Children Memory Verse: "Glory to God in the high­ est, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14). Most of the world forgets that Christ­ mas is the birthday of the Saviour of the world. Even Christians sometimes think more about the presents they are going to receive, or those that they hope to re­ ceive, than they do about the Lord Jesus. Some even in the way that they speak of God and His Son are dishonoring their names. Those who use God’s name as a Hallowed Be Thy Name MaH. 6:9; Luke 2:8-14

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