King's Business - 1953-11

¡deader fëeucti ion BIG WORDS AND OBSOLETE PHRASES Sirs: Heretofore we have enjoyed every article in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . After receiving, our issue of September con­ taining Timothy Fetler’s “Christian Apologetics and Modern Thought” we changed our minds greatly. Why do you wish such difficult read­ ing on the American reader? Let Timothy display his big words and obsolete phrases in the class room. Since he is living in America let him speak American. An intelligent man speaks simple language. Please don’t wish any more such articles on us for we love the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Kenneth Kauffman APPROVAL FROM OHIO Sirsf I have just finished reading your article “ Christian Apologetics And Modem Thought” as appearing in the September K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I have read it with increasing interest and satisfaction. You have pointed out what I see around here as a major problem in so-called funda­ mental Christianity. People have memorized the cardinal doctrines but their lives lack the evidence of an effect-producing faith. The pride and hypocrisy and pharisaism of such barren lives is understandable and I believe of major grief to the heart of God. Upper Sandusky, Ohio • Richard Bolyard PSYCHOLOGY COLUMN Sirs: I am a psychology major in col­ lege. Your column has interested me Sirsi I was interested in reading your column in September’s K in g ’ s B u s i ­ n e s s . May the Lord bless and use you as you serve Him in this unus­ ual field. Placerville, Calif. Mrs. J. E. N. Dr. Narramore’s. monthly question and answer column is on page 34 of this issue — Ed. NEW DESIGN Sirs: May I commend you on the new design and greatly improved appear­ ance all-around. I am sure it will secure many new friends for the testimony. Waterbury, Conn. Rev. Edwin R. Anderson very much. Wheaton, III. H. B. H.

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