PT Specialties: The Connection Between Hip and Knee Pain

Health & Fitness: The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring For Your Body — The Connection Between Hip and Knee Pain — by Physical Therapy Specialties

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

If you are experiencing pain, contact Physical Therapy Specialties today for help!

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Did you know that for a lot of people, their knee pain is not actually due to a problem with the knee, but one with the hip? At Physical Therapy Specialties, we frequently observe that a problem originating in the hip can be first felt as knee pain and vice versa. HIP & KNEE PAIN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN

You might wonder how this is possible. The answer lies in what’s known as the kinetic chain, where the hip and knee joints work together. The interconnection means that an imbalance or dysfunction in one joint can lead to compensation and pain in the other. The good news is our therapists can help you figure out the source of your pain and, more importantly, guide you back to health. To move towards a healthier, pain-free life, we recommend you consult with one of our physical therapists as soon as possible! Your Guide to Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Hip and Knee Pain At Physical Therapy Specialties, we believe in a holistic approach to healing. As musculoskeletal experts, we are trained to pinpoint the root cause of your condition, differentiate between hip and knee pain, and develop a plan that addresses the whole

accompanied by stiffness restricting the range of motion. As the severity worsens, this pain can sometimes extend to the thigh and even the knee. Morning Stiffness: One of the most commonly reported symptoms is morning stiffness, which typically eases as the day progresses. Difficulty in Performing Daily Activities: Individuals with hip pain often find it challenging to bend over to tie shoes or pick up objects from the floor. This pain can intensify during movements like getting up from a seated position or walking uphill. Classic Indicators of Knee Pain • Localized Pain and Swelling: A primary indicator of knee issues is localized pain, often accompanied by swelling. This can be especially noticeable after prolonged periods of activity. Continued inside. • Stiffness and Reduced Range of Motion: Another hallmark of knee pain is stiffness, which often restricts the knee’s range of motion. • Popping or Crunching Noises: Experiencing popping or crunching noises during knee movement is a sign that shouldn’t be ignored, as these sounds often signify underlying knee issues.

person, not just the symptom. The Telltale Signs of Hip Pain

• Localized Discomfort and Stiffness: Hip pain generally starts as a localized discomfort in the groin area, often

Continued inside.

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Continued from previous page. HIP & KNEE PAIN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN

• Difficulty in Bearing Weight : A large number of individuals with knee pain report difficulty bearing weight on the affected knee. This is often described as a feeling of weakness or instability, making activities such as climbing stairs or even simple walking difficult. While interconnected, the hip and knee are distinct structures with unique roles in our body’s movement and different responsibilities. Understanding these differences is vital in diagnosing and

• Neuromuscular Re-education: This involves using exercises and manual techniques to restore normal muscle function and movement patterns. These techniques are especially effective in reducing pain and enhancing function, especially in individuals with hip and knee pain. Our therapists go beyond the surface, digging deep into your symptoms to identify the underlying issues and determine the true origin of your pain, whether the hip, the knee, or both. Our goal is to build a program that helps you get back to living your best life! Follow These Simple Steps to a Pain-Free Life Are you ready to embrace a lifestyle that promises better mobility and less pain? At Physical Therapy Specialties, we are here to guide you every step of the way, fostering a future

treating pain effectively. This is where the expertise of our physical therapists can help!

where you feel better, move better, and live better! Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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Navigating the Path to Recovery with Physical Therapy Specialties

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At Physical Therapy Specialties, our physical therapists will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, and distinguish whether you’re dealing with an issue in your hip, knee, or both. After completing the evaluation, we’ll design a program focusing on the actionable steps you can take to ensure long-term relief and prevention of future injuries, including the following: • Tailored Therapeutic Exercises: Our therapists will provide you with stretching and strengthening exercises to help restore your mobility and function. For example, eccentric training focuses on elongating a muscle under tension, proving particularly effective in strengthening muscles and improving mobility.


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How Hip-Strengthening Exercises Can Help Alleviate Knee Pain

You may be surprised to know that the functioning of our knees is directly linked to the strength and stability of our hip muscles. Our hip muscles play a vital role in maintaining the alignment and stability of the knee joint Hip-strengthening exercises enhance the knee’s support system, helping evenly distribute the forces that travel through it during daily activities. A strong hip musculature can help prevent the knee from adopting faulty movements and positions, often leading to pain. Hip exercises can also help improve posture and alignment, which is vital in preventing knee strain and subsequent pain. At Physical Therapy Specialties, we’ll guide you in adopting these exercises into your daily routine, a step towards a life marked by greater mobility and less pain. Seeking Guidance at Physical Therapy Specialties

• Side-Lying Hip Abductions: This exercise is a powerhouse in bolstering the hip muscles, primarily targeting the gluteus medius. This vital muscle aids in stabilizing the hips and knees. Engaging in this exercise can be a game-changer in alleviating knee pain. • Quadruped Hip Extensions: Another fantastic exercise that strengthens the hip muscles and promotes a stable core, creating a well-balanced support system for your knees. These hip-strengthening exercises can provide stability and support to the knee, potentially reducing the strain and pain. Taking the Next Step Remember, the journey to wellness is an ongoing process, and we are here to walk with you every step of the way. Ready to take a step towards a brighter, pain-free future? Call Physical Therapy Specialties today to get started!

At Physical Therapy Specialties, we’ll guide you through the exercises that ensure you reap the maximum benefits while maintaining safety and efficiency. Our approach is always holistic, emphasizing the role of the hips as crucial players in alleviating knee pain and facilitating overall health and well-being. Here are some highly effective hip-strengthening exercises that have been shown to lessen knee pain: • Hip Bridges: The bridge focuses on enhancing the strength of the hip extensors (buttock muscles) to help provide better support to the knee structure. • Clamshells: The exercises are effective in strengthening the hip abductor muscles. By lying on your side and opening and closing your legs like a clamshell, you work on the muscles that are essential in maintaining knee alignment.

Come Back In For A Consultation Whether you want to come in for a check-up, suffered a recent injury or want to improve your health, a doctor referral is not needed. In the state of California, you have direct access to physical therapy!

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PATIENT SPOTLIGHT What our patients have to say!

Do you have your own PT success story? Why not share it with others and maybe you will be the inspiration someone needs to get the help they are seeking. Just scan the QR code to leave a Google Review.

“I injured my knee horseback riding, which resulted in two different surgeries where my second surgery was an MPFL reconstruction with a MACI implant. Before my second surgery and starting physical therapy at Physical Therapy Specialties with Ning, I could hardly walk up and down stairs, struggled to get in and out of the car without pain, and couldn’t keep up

with my 2-year-old daughter. Now, six months after my second surgery, I am pain-free, getting back to normal life, and some days, I don’t even think about my knee! I am back to running and am (literally) getting back on my horse. We all couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thank you, Ning and PTS!” —Jaime G.

Improve Your Health In Our Warm Water Therapy Pool!

Has a New Pain Started? Have you experi- enced an injury?

I n c r e a s e range of motion M o v e freely P r o t e c t joints R e d u c e pain O b t a i n cardio fitness V i t a l i z e muscle strength E n h a n c e flexibility and balance

Pool Therapy and Water Classes Offered Daily. Schedule is on our website. COME BACK TO PT Make an appointment today with one of our therapists and get back to the activities you enjoy — pain-free! 925.417.8005

Exercise Essentials Try these simple exercises to help keep you loose and pain-free... Share this with a friend or family member to help keep them healthy, too!

This exercise helps improve shoulder mobility.

CLAMSHELLS Lie on your side with your knees bent and feet together. The side you want to exercise should be on top. While keeping your feet together, lift your top knee away from your bottom knee. Hold as instructed. Slowly return to starting position.

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Who do you know that needs our help?

Refer a Friend Do You Have Friends or Family Unable to Do The Following? 9 Move without pain 9 Bend and move freely

9 Balance confidently and securely 9 Sit for long periods comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active and healthy lifestyle

If you know someone suffering from aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Physical Therapy Specialties today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly for a Physical Therapy Consultation.

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CALL TODAY! 925.417.8005 3908 Valley Ave., Suite B Pleasanton, CA 94566 INSIDE: • Be Healthy! Physical Therapy Can Help Get You There • Simple Strategies for Incorporating Exercise Into Your Daily Routine • Exercise Essentials • Patient Spotlight


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