PT Specialties: The Connection Between Hip and Knee Pain

PATIENT SPOTLIGHT What our patients have to say!

Do you have your own PT success story? Why not share it with others and maybe you will be the inspiration someone needs to get the help they are seeking. Just scan the QR code to leave a Google Review.

“I injured my knee horseback riding, which resulted in two different surgeries where my second surgery was an MPFL reconstruction with a MACI implant. Before my second surgery and starting physical therapy at Physical Therapy Specialties with Ning, I could hardly walk up and down stairs, struggled to get in and out of the car without pain, and couldn’t keep up

with my 2-year-old daughter. Now, six months after my second surgery, I am pain-free, getting back to normal life, and some days, I don’t even think about my knee! I am back to running and am (literally) getting back on my horse. We all couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thank you, Ning and PTS!” —Jaime G.

Improve Your Health In Our Warm Water Therapy Pool!

Has a New Pain Started? Have you experi- enced an injury?

I n c r e a s e range of motion M o v e freely P r o t e c t joints R e d u c e pain O b t a i n cardio fitness V i t a l i z e muscle strength E n h a n c e flexibility and balance

Pool Therapy and Water Classes Offered Daily. Schedule is on our website. COME BACK TO PT Make an appointment today with one of our therapists and get back to the activities you enjoy — pain-free! 925.417.8005

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