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Animal products: meat, eggs, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, yoghurt and milk – contain all eight of these essential amino acids, and have been the conventionally recommended sources. However, rising concerns about non-organic farming practices and the use of hormone treatments and antibiotics in conventional production of beef and poultry has resulted in a growing number of people looking to eat these foods only in moderation.

and infections, skin, hair and nail problems and slow wound healing. Good vegetarian sources of zinc include beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. Plant foods: typically do not contain all eight essential amino acids and so have not been traditionally regarded as being a strong source of protein in the past, with the exception of the high protein content found in soy foods and particular vegetables and grains, such as green peas, artichokes, quinoa, teff, farro, millet and buckwheat. However, the most up-to-date nutrition research indicates that combining partial-protein foods creates complementary protein – that is, proteins that work together to supply the right amounts of all the essential amino acids. For example, brown rice and beans are both rich in protein, but each lacks one or more of the necessary amino acids. When they are combined with each other, or with other complementary plant foods, they form a complete protein that is a high quality substitute for animal- derived sources. Therefore, a meal of rice and beans, or even a nut butter sandwich would provide all the essential amino acids. Supplementing with protein If you still eat meat and meat products and also wish to use a protein supplement, we like Aussie made and owned White Wolf Better Protein Whey With Collagen, which contains Australian grass-fed protein, as well as highly popular collagen to support healthy skin, hair and nails and digestive enzymes for gut health. If you’re cutting back on meat for health or values-based reasons, take a plant-based protein supplement, such as Proganics Organic Protein Plus, based on fermented pea and brown rice certified organic protein, with probiotics and digestive enzymes to aid digestion. It also contains adequate levels of the important nutrients - vitamin B12, zinc and iron.

Lactovegetarians and ovolactovegetarians: – people who eat dairy or dairy plus eggs – are usually able to easily meet their quota of essential amino acids. However, vegans, vegetarians and people following a plant-based diet may have a tougher time unless they take a specific protein supplement which contains the following important nutrients: Vitamin B12: This is essential for the formation of red blood cells and for the proper utilisation of folic acid. Deficiency can cause extreme fatigue, headaches, faintness, mood changes and depression, and serious health concerns, such as pernicious anaemia. B12 deficiency has been shown to occur in the breastfed children of vegan nursing mothers. It is important to also take the rest of the B-group vitamins, rather than B12 in isolation, because they all work together synergistically. Iron: This is generally found in smaller quantities in plant foods than in animal foods, and even a marginal deficiency can lead to tiredness, muscle weakness, cold hands and feet, with a more pronounced deficiency triggering anaemia. Menstruating women and vegans should be especially careful about including protein sources in their diet. Zinc: Vegetarians who don’t eat eggs or seafood may fall short of this mineral, and a deficiency can manifest as poor immunity and increased susceptibility to viruses

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