Go Mag Issue 66 | Stores


Time for tea

Tea is the most commonly drunk beverage in the world after water. Not just a refreshing drink, herbal teas have exceptional health benefits. Herbal teas empower you to heal common health conditions and support optimal functioning in all the body’s systems.

Herbal tea for Energy Yerba mate: Rich in antioxidants, this provides an energy boost, increases alertness and focus and improves mental and physical performance. Liquorice: This has wide-ranging applications, being an anti- inflammatory, expectorant, and mild laxative, making it an all-round support for inflammatory conditions of the digestive system, such as excessive acid problems, as well as a tonic for liver and chest complaints. Schisandra: The dried berries of the Schisandra chinensis shrub are a staple in traditional Chinese medicine. Schisandra is thought to improve memory and stamina and counter mild depression. It is liver-protective and has mild sedative properties; it may also treat skin problems. Rosemary: A warming, astringent and stimulant herb, rosemary improves circulation, eases muscle pain and revives energy, and stimulates microcirculation of blood to the brain, which in turn improves memory and concentration. It has an uplifting effect on the spirits, easing depression.

Herbal tea for Detoxification Lemongrass: Rich in antioxidants, lemongrass has antimicrobial, antiviral and antihypertensive effects in the body. It is a mild diuretic, speeding the removal of toxins from the body, as well as a digestive tonic. Calendula: A very effective cleansing herb, calendula is antiseptic and detoxifying, boosting the function of the liver and gall-bladder. It also soothes inflammatory digestive problems, such as colitis. Cinnamon: A warming stimulant spice, cinnamon’s medicinal effects are due to a volatile oil which has strengthening, digestive, antiseptic and antiviral properties. Dandilion: This is a potent detoxification and diuretic agent, removing waste from the liver and gall-bladder, stimulating the kidneys to produce more urine and increasing bile production.


ISSUE 66 • 2023

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