Go Mag Issue 66 | Stores


Creating a healthier family

plant-based, vegan-friendly, gluten- and dairy-free foods, including kid-tested breakfast cereals, snacks, drinks, sugar-free sweet treats and supplements and shake mixes to support digestive, brain and immune health at your Go Vita store. Go Vita loves … Funch Kid Pow! Shake It is hard to over-emphasise the importance of a good breakfast for children and teens – but it is also true that mornings can be chaotic, thanks to school, sport and house-hold commitments. These creamy shakes contain 100 percent plant-based ingredients, with added vitamins C and D, calcium and iron, and probiotics to support gut health. Try our recipe for a Blueberry Blast Shake (see opposite). Eating to improve gut health Two common culprits behind upset tummies, abdominal pain and wind often turn out to be fruit juice and dairy products. Fruit juice contains fructose, a sugar which can pass undigested into the colon, where bacteria eventually break it down, resulting in bloating and indigestion. Low-fructose fruit choices include apricots, nectarines, peaches, passionfruit and watermelon. Low-fructose vegetables are leafy greens, asparagus, mushrooms, celery, avocado, root vegetables and peas. Beware processed sauces and spreads that may contain high-fructose corn syrup. If dairy products make your child feel gassy, it may be due to lactose intolerance – being unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy foods. There is a wide variety

You want a healthier life for you and your children, and it really is easy to initiate lifestyle changes – the key is to make them small, incremental ones, not try to do it all immediately. Another good tip is to break it down into 12 manageable monthly chunks, such as: Months 1, 2 and 3: Gradually replace unhealthy choices with nutritious and diverse ones. Sample and experiment with better versions of the foods your children like, such as sauces and snacks. Months 4 and 5: Commit to at least 30 minutes of play and exercise every day (for adults as well as kids!) Months 6, 7 and 8: Run a stress audit in your household – no one can live free from stress, but it’s time to identify triggers and find ways to live with them – meditation, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and music therapy are just a few ideas. Months 9 and 10: Lock in the recommended eight hours of sleep every night for everyone – and no screens after 5 p.m. Months 11 and 12: Regularly review the interior health of your home, and aim to make it reasonably unwelcoming to pollen, smog, chemical toxins and germs.

of lactose-free products available, including plant-based milk, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream. Children are also not known for the ability to sit still for long, such as at the table, and wolfing down snacks and meals on the run will definitely cause bloating and flatulence at any age. Try to ensure your child sits to eat, and eats slowly; also try to have the last meal of the day at least two hours before bedtime, because the digestive system works best when the body is moving, not lying still. There are several handy and effective home remedies that are quick and easy to add to the daily routine, and which will help. For example, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a breakfast smoothie to help digest it, as there is less acid in the stomach in the morning. Daily probiotics are recommended to support beneficial gut flora, immune system health and general wellbeing. Powdered probiotics are easy to add to cold morning drinks for children.



ISSUE 66 • 2023

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