First Choice. Life Doesn't Have To Be A Pain In The Neck


The benefits of good posture are more than just lookinggood,especiallyasacollegestudentwhere you spend most of your time sitting down at a desk in the library or an uncomfortable chair in a lecture hall. No worries, though, we have your back and we have some tips for you to improve your posture without even trying. 1. Adjust your backpack: One of the reasons your back hurts is because of the weight you carry in your backpack. The gap between your back and your backpack is what causes the stress to your back, though, can damage your posture over time. To fix this, adjust your backpack straps so it can be as close to your back as possible to prevent your spine from curving excessively when carrying your backpack. 2. Unload your backpack: I know, I know, you have a biology exam tomorrow and you need to Head Pain 101: There are a lot of different types of headaches that you may experience, and each can be caused by its own different reason. For example, migraines can be caused by environmental factors, food allergies or even as a result of stress.There are headaches that can develop due to sinus pain and headachesthatwilldevelopwhenyouaredehydrated. There are also headaches that will develop when you are exposed too long to loud noises. There is no singular fix for each of these different types of headaches, which is why attempting to treat every headache you experience with the same medication frequently doesn’t work. One of the most common causes of headaches that are easily treatable with physical therapy is radiating headaches,whicharecausedbystress inthe jointsand musclesoftheneck.Thiscausespaintoradiatefrom thetopoftheneck intothehead,especiallysurrounding the ears. There are a lot of reasons why radiating headachescoulddevelop, includingasaresultof lack ofmovementandstiffness intheneck.Thisbuildupof irritationcanbetreatedwithregularphysicaltherapy, especially through the use of massage and flexibility exercises that target the muscles in the neck.

bring your chemistry book with you so you can do the lab properly. But carrying everything in your backpackand loading itwithheavyschoolsupplies is not good for your back or your posture. Leave the heavy supplies at your apartment and take a good walk home every time you need them (say yes to exercise!) or carry them in your hands. This will -literally- take weight from your back and will improve your posture. 3. Wear both stripes of your backpack: The cool kids walk around campus carrying their backpacks on just one shoulder, but the cool kids also have bad posture and back problems. Do not follow this trend, and use both straps of your backpack so the weight is evenly distributed on your back. NeckPain101: Inmanysituations,painthatdevelops in the neck can be associated with one of two major problems.The first is upper-back pain that begins to radiate intotheneck.Thesecond isarthritis.Physical therapycanbeusedtoaddressbothtypesofneckpain. Cervicalarthritiscausesfrequentaches intheneckand shoulders.Thispain isgenerallyworsewhenthereare sudden changes in weather or at the end of the day, andwhileover-the-countermedicationmaymakethe pain less severe, it won’t eliminate the pain entirely. Thebiggestproblemposedbycervicalarthritis isthat thepainwill typicallycausea lossof rangeofmotion intheneck,whichactually increasesyourriskof injury asaresultofasuddenmovementandcausesregular discomfortandfrustrationasyouarenotabletoutilize your neck in the way you normally could. There are plentyofsituations inwhichpain intheneckasaresult ofcervicalarthritisgrowssosevere that itcancause chronic poor posture and even a reduction in height. Addressing the Core Problem: The majority of neck and head pain can be helped with one simple strategy:strengthbuilding. Itfrequentlyhappensthat

theabsolutecauseofthestartofapain intheneckor head isa resultofpoorpostureorquickenedmotion, and building core strength, as well as strength in the neck, can make a huge difference in your ability to handle tasks without experiencing chronic pain. Keep in mind that the neck and head are sensitive areas,soattempting to treat thepainathomecanbe dangerous and may not be effective. Working with a physical therapist is thesafeway toensure thatyou arepracticingpositivetechniquestofindrelieffrom your aches and pains.


Source: posture-as-a-college-student


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