Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1976-1978


Course Descriptions


P502 Statistics (3)

Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpretation of clinical and research data. Lecture and laboratory covering descriptive and inferential statistics. Major topics will include correlation and regression, tests of significance and introduction to analysis of variance. Both parametric and non-parametric approaches will be covered. Prerequisite: Undergraduate statistics and P501 P503 Personality and Psychopathology I (4) This is the first in a three course sequence in personality and psy­ chopathology. The course covers behavioral approaches to personality and psychopathology, including stimulus-response and social learning theories, the social development of personality, and the learned nature of psy­ chopathology.

P504 Personality and Psychopathology II (4)

The second in a three course sequence, this course covers the humanistic­ existential viewpoint on personality and psychopathology, including Allport, Bass, Gendlin, Laing, Maslow, May, Rogers and Van Kaam. P505 Personality and Psychopathology Ill (4) The third in a three course sequence, this course covers the dynamic or analytic perspective on personality and psychopathology, including Adler, Guntrip, Freud, Horney, Jung and Sullivan.

P507 Measurement and Assessment I (4)

The first of a two-course sequence directed toward competence in ad­ ministration, scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests. It involves a survey of basic concepts and principles of psychological measurement, in­ cluding factors influencing validity and reliability. The course places emphasis on the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales and assessment of intellectual functioning.

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