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Personnel Personal
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VILLAGE de / of CASSELMAN CP / Box 710, 751, rue St-Jean St Casselman ON K0A 1M0 TÉLÉPHONE : 613 764-3139 • TÉLÉCOPIEUR: 613 764-5709 www.casselman.ca PROJECT MANAGER – COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT – 30 WEEKS
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Employment Opportunities The Canadian Mental Health Association - Champlain East is a community-based agency dedicated to providing community support services to persons living with a mental illness and concurrent disorders. Weareacceptingapplications for thepositionof IntensiveCaseManager. Wehave two(2)1-year contract positions to fill, both are based out of the Hawkesbury office. Qualified candidates possess a University degree in the Social Science or Health field with two years’ experience in case management. Advanced language skills in English and French are required. The salary scale, subject to union contract, commences at $25.09 per hour depending on experience. We are also inviting applications for a 1-year part-time contract for the position of Resource Centre Facilitator based out of Hawkesbury. Qualified candidates possess a College diploma in social science, health or recreation field and experience in facilitation, teaching life and social skills. Advanced language skills in English and French are required. The salary scale, subject to union contract, commences at $22.17 per hour depending on experience. Please forward your resume no later than June 27 th , 2012 to Rosanne Fortier, Manager of Human Resources at 329 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario, K6J 3R1, or via email to hr@cmha-east.on.ca. For more information on these and other employment opportunities, please visit our website at www.cmha-east.on.ca. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those being considered for the position will be contacted. Opportunités d’emploi L’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale, Champlain Est est un organisme communautaire voué à la prestation de services de soutien communautaire aux personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale et des troubles concomitants. Nous sommes à la recherche de candidats (es) pour deux (2) postes de Gestionnaires de cas intensifs. Les postes à combler sont deux (2) contrats d’un (1) an avec notre équipe de Hawkesbury. Les exigences du poste sont : un diplôme universitaire en sciences sociales, ou en santé, ainsi que deux années d’expérience de travail en gestion de cas ainsi que la maîtrise des langues anglaise et française. L’échelle salariale, selon les termes du contrat syndical, débute à 25.09$ de l’heure selon l’expérience. Nous acceptons aussi les demandes pour combler un (1) poste d’Animateur(trice) de centre de ressources, contrat d’un (1) an à temps partiel, à Hawkesbury. Les exigences du poste sont : un diplôme collégial en sciences sociales, en santé, ou dans le domaine de la récréation, de l’expérience en tant qu’animateur (trice) et d’enseignement de vie et de compétences sociales, ainsi que la maîtrise des langues anglaise et française. L’échelle salariale, selon les termes du contrat syndical, débute à 22.17$ de l’heure selon l’expérience. Veuillez faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae d’ici le 27 juin 2012 à Rosanne Fortier, Gestionnaire des ressources humaines, au 329 rue Pitt, Cornwall, ON, K6J 3R1 ou par courriel au hr@cmha-east.on.ca. Pour plus de renseignements sur notre organisme et sur les postes à combler, visitez notre site internet à www.cmha-east.on.ca/fr . Nous remercions tous les postulants, cependant seuls les candidats considérés pour une entrevue seront contactés. L’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale - Champlain Est Attention: Rosanne Fortier, Ressources humaines 329 rue Pitt St., Cornwall, ON K6J 3R1 Télécopieur : 613-936-2323 courriel: hr@cmha-east.on.ca Canadian Mental Health Association- Champlain East Attention: Rosanne Fortier, Manager of Human Resources 329 rue Pitt St., Cornwall, ON K6J 3R1 Fax : 613-936-2323 e-mail: hr@cmha-east.on.ca
The Village of Casselman is now accepting applications for a bilingual Project Man- ager – Community Economic Development. The ideal incumbent must be available to begin work as of July 16, 2012. Key Job Duties: Develop an action plan for each project listed below describing the steps which will determine the expectations and goals, critical points, implementation, deadlines, risk and success factors, budget and resources as well as the evaluation of the projects: • Develop a path for active transportation; • Promote community economic development focused on creative industry; • Develop a comprehensive municipal management program of commercial licenses; • Develop a maintenance and expansion program of local businesses. Core Competencies: • University degree and/or professional qualifications in a relevant field such as public administration, municipal government, business, finance, planning or in some other acceptable combination of education and management experience in the public sector. • A minimum of 2 years of municipal or business management experi- ence. • Superior communication skills • Creative and innovative thinking • Proficiency in both official languages is mandatory. To view a complete position description, please visit www.casselman.ca. Please submit your resume by 12 p.m. on June 29 , 2012 to: Mario Villeneuve Acting Chief Administrative Officer Box 710 Casselman ON K0A 1M0 Email: mvilleneuve@casselman.ca FAX: 613.764.5709 The Corporation of the Village of Casselman is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
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