King's Business - 1957-10


by Mary Page

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G lH s /C a n Help Their Teacher


The other day I made an important invest­ ment in my own children. Purchased The Book of Life from Bill Collins. Read from it every night to our youngsters. Bill’s happy in his work, his own boss, too. Tells me John Rudin & Company ,1 publishers have openings for some representatives. Bill says he’s never found a better company to work for. Being a Sunday School teacher, I can appreci­ ate the importance of placing good Christian literature in the hands of our students. It was at my suggestion that the Adult and Young People’s Department in our Sunday School are switching over to NSSA lessons. We purchase them through Union Gospel Press.2 They sent us $1 worth of samples free! The other day I ran across the best assort­ ment of tracts I’ve ever seen. Attractive art work. Sparkling colors. Over 225 titles to choose from. Excellent salvation tracts. Tracts on swearing, drinking, false isms, tithing, holi­ days. Eleven for Christmas alone! Beautiful poetry and postcards for the sick. Faith, Prayer and Tract League 3 will send 40 samples free, plus a catalog. It’s a wonderful feeling to meet with our children every night and have family devo­ tions. It’s meant so much more to us since we’ve built a good sacred record library, too. Audio Bible Society 4 made it possible for us to buy a record a month plus receive free a $65 record storage cabinet. No contract. Christmas is just around the corner. Was so happy to receive my sample shipment of Scripture Christmas cards from C. W . B oyer C om pany;0 Their Lord’s Prayer Pen is amaz- ing, too. You read Prayer thru lens in top of pen. We’ll use our profits to equip our new rumpus room for Christmas. We’re thrilled with this extra income. Boyer will send you wholesale list and jumbo kit, too. Our Sunday School class received some valu­ able material that really sparked missionary interest. The Sudan Interior Mission 7 sent us copies of “ African Challenge” to in­ troduce us to their new campaign to place modern high speed printing presses in the heart of Africa. S.I.M. will send you or your Sunday School class their sample kit. How many can you use? Have been reading an amazing expose of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Titled “ Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave” by W. J. Schnell. So popu­ lar that in less than a year Baker Book House 8 has published 40,000 copies. Exciting, revealing. Everyone should have a copy. $2.95 at all Christian bookstores. Or use coupon below. I’ll be glad to see that it’s sent you. Tom tells me our church is sav­ ing money by buying Mimeo Stencils, Ink, paper and equip­ ment wholesale from Mishek Company .5 They have Stencils for every make duplicator. Every church worker and pastor should have their wholesale catalog. It’s free. Tremendous savings.

knows better how to plan lessons that will help you solve your prob­ lems. Sometimes we feel that a problem is too personal or too com­ plicated to talk about in class. When this happens, almost any teacher will be glad of the oppor­ tunity to give you extra time out of class until you have found an answer. Most Sunday school lesson books have two parts, one for you and one for your teacher. Your book tells you what verses to read in the Bible and explains these verses to you. Your teacher has a book tell­ ing him how to teach the lesson so that everyone will understand it and enjoy it. Now if you haven’t studied your lesson, your teacher must first go over your part of the book. Often this leaves little time for discussion or answers to ques­ tions. Of course, the most impor­ tant reason for studying your les­ son isn’t really to help your teacher at all, but that you yourself might become familiar with the Word of God. Finally, you have to be in class. The best teacher is no teacher at all unless he has someone to teach. Did you know that just by being in class you add power and strength to that class? If you do these things you will bring wholehearted encouragement to your teacher. And you will begin to take a new interest in your class because you have prayed for it and worked for it. Above all, you will feel nearer to God and will have a new kind of happiness. In serving our Lord, you will get to know Him better, and the better you know Him, the more you will love Him, for “ God is love” (1 John 4 :8 ). LOOK! Our newest Home, in Hong Kong, for Chinese orphan girls. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS 3939 N. Hamlin Ave., Dept. 11 Chicago 18, Illinois W e need your prayer support in reaching homeless, helpless children for Christ. Our fields are Bei­ rut, Lebanon; Ramallah, Jordan; and Hong Kong.

U a v e you ever wanted to help Jesus and just didn’t know what to do? Jesus taught us that when we help others, we are helping Him. Someone who needs a lot of help is your Sunday school teacher. Sunday school teachers are includ­ ed when the Bible says that “ we ourselves ought to support such people in order to be fellow work­ ers with them in truth” (3 John 8, Berkeley Version). Let’s think of some ways in which you can become a fellow worker. First of all, every person should support his church and his Sunday school in prayer. God’s Book says, “ Pray one for another” (James 1:16). It is especially im­ portant that you pray for your teacher, for it is he who will guide you and your friends in spiritual growth and who will lead some of your classmates to a decision for Christ. For such important work, a teacher needs wisdom and knowl­ edge. Sometimes a teacher grows discouraged, and then he needs your prayers. Another way you can help your teacher is b y t e llin g h im what things you would like to do in Sun­ day school. It isn’t easy to think of new ideas to make a class interest­ ing, and sometimes teachers just aren’t sure what people your age lik e to do. M a y b e y o u ’ re o ld enough to enjoy a round-table dis­ cussion or a memory verse contest. Perhaps you’d like to have more object lessons. Help your teacher plan lessons that you will enjoy. There is one thing your teacher would like to know about you that only you can tell him — your prob­ lems. When a teacher knows what things are troubling his class, he

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The King's Business/October 1957


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