King's Business - 1957-10

Bibliography on Counseling

Anyone who works with people—or even is a friend to people — is auto­ matically cast into the role of a coun­ selor at one time or another. Recently Youth for Christ Interna­ tional of Wheaton, 111. published a mimeographed bibliography on counsel­ ing, youth guidance, delinquency and psychotherapy. The list is made up of both secular and religious titles and the editors of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss believe

it is one of the most valuable and com­ prehensive available. Part of this important bibliography is printed below; the remainder will be printed next month. Abrahamsen, D ., Who Are the Guilty? 1952, Rhinehart, New York, N .Y. Aichhom, A., Wayward Youth, 1955, Noon­ day Press, 17 Union Square, New York 3, N.Y.

Alexander, Franz and Healy, William, Roots of Crime, 1935, Knopf, Inc., New York, N .Y . Ranked 8th in poll by the Social Science Research Council to determine the 10 studies which have contributed most to an understanding knowledge of criminal and de­ linquent behavior. Barron, M. L., Juvenile in Delinquent So­ ciety, 1954, Knopf, Inc., 501 Madison Ave­ nue, New York 22, N .Y. Baruch, Dorothy, How to Live With Your Teen-Ager, 1954, McGraw-Hill, New York, N .Y. Bloch, Herbert A. and Flynn, Frank, Delin­ quency — the Juvenile Offender in America Today, 1956, Random House, New York, N.Y. Bonnell, John Sutherland, Pastoral Psychia­ try, 1938, Harper and Brothers, New York, N .Y . His psychology is splendid, even though Christ might be upheld more than he chooses to do. His cases are fascinatingly written and he brings Scripture to bear on every one of them. Brill, Jeanette, Adolescent Court and Crime Prevention, 1938, Pitman, 2-6 West 45th Street, New York, N .Y.

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B R O A D M A N COM M EN T S , 1958 — By E. F. Haight1and Duke K. McCall

The big news for Broadman Comments, 1958 is that it has two authors. Dr. E. F. Haight continues as the writer of the lesson ex­ position, furnishing lesson introduction, outline, and discussion based on the International Sunday School Lesson. Dr. Duke K. McCall, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes the re­ maining portion under the title “The Lesson in Life.” Maps and re­ commended visual aids are included. $2.50 PO INTS FOR EMPHASIS, 1958 — By Clifton J. Allen Handy commentary that fits pocket or purse for quick reference any time. Based on the International Sunday School Lesson, it con­ tains full Scripture passage, main lesson points, “Truths to Live By,” and daily Bible readings. Ideal for use in the home, office, or when traveling. 75c STORYTELL ING — By Claudia Royal



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A basic guide for the selection, preparation, and telling of stories for different age groups. The art, history, and values of storytelling are discussed. Special emphasis is given to Bible stories, and several original Bible stories are included. $2.00 T E A C H IN G FOR RESULTS — By Findley B. Edge Recognizing that Christian teachers fail most often in their work because their teaching aims are not sufficiently specific, Dr. Edge sets up some basic principles to guide the teacher, and gives examples of each. Especially emphasized is the “conduct goal” of giving the lesson some carry-over into life. There is also a chapter on methods of testing for teaching effectiveness. $3.00





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