King's Business - 1957-10

Do your adult Bible classes on Sunday .. .

Burnite, Mrs. Alvena, Tips for Teens on Love, Sex and Marriage, 1955, Bruce Pub­ lishers, 400 North Broadway, Milwaukee 1. Cassidy, R. F., Counseling Girls in a Chang­ ing Society, 1947, McGraw-Hill, New York. Chambers, Oswald, The Psychology of Re­ demption, 1922, B. T. C. Publishing Co., Glasgow. This would be a daring title in our day, but in his time psychology was not under suspicion by Christians. Christian psychology, he says, is based upon a knowl­ edge of Christ, not upon a knowledge of ourselves. There are some things which we might question such as: the soul ceases to exist at death, but the spirit lives on. Coleman, J. C., Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, 1950, Scott, Foresman and Company, New York, N .Y. One of the finest and most complete texts in the field of ab­ normal behavior. A “ must.” Cook, R. A., IPs Tough to be a Teen-Ager, 1955, Miracles Unlimited, Wheaton, 111. Ellingston, John R., Protecting Our Children From Criminal Careers, 1948, Prentice-Hall, New York, N.Y. Ellis, Charles C., The Religion of the Re­ ligious Psychologists , 1948, Prentice-Hall, New York, N .Y . A scathing criticism of writers in this field who, until Norborg, were all liberal. Emerson, Wallace, Outlines of Psychology, 1953, Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111. This is a college textbook for introductory psy­ chology from a Christian viewpoint. Ferguson, T., Young Delinquent in His So­ cial Setting, 1952, Oxford University Press, Toronto, Can. Fleming, Charlotte, Adolescent Social Psy­ chology, 1949, (with an introduction to recent findings from the fields of anthro­ pology, physiology, medicine, psychometrics and sociometry); International Universities Press, New York, N.Y. Gesell, A., Ilg, F. L., and Ames, L. B., Youth — the Years from Ten to Sixteen, 1956, Harper, New York, N .Y. Glueck, Sheldon, Delinquents in the Making: Paths to Prevention, 1952, Harper, New York, N .Y. Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor, Juvenile Delin­ quents Grown Up, 1940, Commonwealth Fund, New York, N .Y. Ranked 10th in poll by the Social Science Research Council to determine the 10 studies which have con­ tributed most to an understanding knowledge of criminal and delinquent behavior. Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor, 1000 Juvenile Delinquents, 1934, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Ranked 4th in poll by the Social Science Research Council to de­ termine the 10 studies which have contrib-

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Outstanding Christ ian leaders currently writing for adult publications include: Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, Ph.D., dean of Wheaton College Graduate School; Dr. George E. Ladd, Ph.D., professor of New Testament History and Bible Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary. Writers of supple­ mentary lesson articles include: Dr. Thorwald W. Bender, Dr. Robert D. Culver, Dr.Warren C. Young, Dr. Julius R. Mantey and Rev. Alan Redpath. Use coupon below to secure FREE SAMPLES of First Quarter ('58) adult materials. D A V ID C. C O O K P U B L IS H IN G CO. ELG IN , IL L IN O IS Dept. 107K Please send adult lesson materials checked below. (The new quarterlies, off the presses about November 1, will be mailed as soon as available.) □ Adult Lesson Materials, First Quarter ’58 □ Senior High Lesson Materials, First Quarter *58 Q Junior High Lesson Materials, First Quarter ’58 NAME_________________________________________________________________________________ _ ADDRESS________________________________________________________ _____________ _______ __ CITY______________________________________ ZONE_______STATE__________________________ CHURCH____________i____________________________________________________________________

DR. TENNEY Wheaton College

DR. LADD Fuller Theological Seminary


The King's Business/October 1957

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