King's Business - 1957-10

'B V K R Y B O B f gets to know the Bible"

b o o k

r e v i e w s All recommended books may be obtained by mall from the Blola Book Room, Mall Order Dept., 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

in our Sundey School Classes!


i We use

Editor's note. For the past 4 V 2 years Dr. Donald G. Davis has been book review edi­ tor for The King's Business. He has re­ signed this job to devote more time to his fast-growing church (Berean Baptist at Melrose & Westmoreland in Los Angeles). Taking Dr. Davis' place as book review editor is Dr. Arnold Ehlert, Librarian and Professor of Library Science at Biola.

Next to the Bible! Systematic Theology By Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer A recognized, unrivaled value! Complete $33.95. OTHER BOOKS by DR. CHAFER Mojor Bible Themes ............................$3.00 Grace ...... 3.00 He That is Spiritual ............................ 2.50 Satan .............................................. 2.50 Salvation .... 2.00 True Evangelism ................................ 2.00 DUNHAM PUBLISHING CO. Findlay, Ohio

Hymn Orchestrations By Wayne Johnson

Easy-to-learn Scripture lessons fo r b e gin n e rs — the d e e p est

Wayne Johnson has created a most unique and practical arrangement for almost any combination of band or orchestral instruments. The index of this collection contains 228 titles in­ cluding a large number of standard hymns and gospel songs. Although the complete orchestrations include four books, namely, Book C for “ C” instruments, Book B for “ B-flat” in­ struments, Book E for “E-flat” instru­ ments and Book D for instruments playing from bass clef, the way in which the songs are arranged gives opportunity for rather pleasing per­ formance from almost any combina­ tion of instruments. We feel that this series will be a definite contribution to Christian activity because of its simplicity and effectiveness. Unpaged; paper (spiral); Lillenas Publishing Co., Kansas City, Mo.; $2.50 (deluxe edition, $6.00). Reviewed by Earle F. Hulin. The 10 steps to leadership are wish, grow, understand, study, pray, think, speak, plan, cooperate and serve. Rec­ ognizing that there is a continuing need for more and better leaders in church work the author discusses the approach to the problem and offers some practical measures that should greatly increase the available leader potential. Some brief tests and ques­ tionnaires are included with answers which can be duplicated for use in training classes. The author is at home with the problems, having served both as pastor and director of religious education. 172 pages; cloth; Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; $2.25. Ten Steps to Leadership By J. Vernon Jacobs

Bible doctrines for adults. W ith A S S U Les­ son Helps, Sunday school students of every age get Bible-centered lessons. A S S U Lesson Helps and periodicals are written by experts and carefully a ge - graded, to meet the specific needs and in­ terests of your students. S e n d for free sam p les a n d be convinced. W rite to D ep t . lesson helps and periodicals American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. McGuffey’s Readers After a long and costly search a complete set of the original 1879 McGuffey's Readers has finally been located, and reprints of these grand old readers have now been com­ pleted. Each reader is custom made from plates used in the 1879 revised edition . . . same type and binding. You can now pur­ chase exact copies of these famous readers at the following low prices: 1st Re ad e r_ $2.25 4th Reader .... $3.25 2nd Reader .... $2.50 5th Reader .... $3.50 3rd Reader ....$2.75 6th Reader .... $3.75 We pay the postoge on all orders!!! OLD AUTHORS, Dept. KB-10, Rowan, Iowa I WOULD RATHER HAVE JESUS 101 REASONS A new book — 7 chapters, 152 pages — $1.25. By George D. Beckwith, author of The Beckwith Bible Art Chart in colors. These reasons are from the written Word of God to show forth The Living Word of God. "To know Christ and the power of His resurrection.” Order from any religious book store or from the author, Geo. D. Beckwith, Box 93, Elizabethtown, Pa. Choose Age-graded Soul-winning Superbly illustrated Uniform


Prepared by Irving G. Hoff # Newmaterial, Sowers’ Poem, ‘BelieveIt or Not, Key Verses, and aspects never before emphasized. Able helps for truth seekers; Full newheadings;VitalVersesunderscored. Machine finished paper, clear print, 80 bright pages. OrderTODAY—Ea. 10c; 100, $7,00; 1000, $60.00. Bible House of L.A., 921 Westmoreland, L.A., Cal.

_ Doers' - TRJOS ’ aÜA^Tj:,

SERIES 96 pages of gospel song arrange­ ments for soles, duets, trios, quar­ tets and group singing, in each: FAVORITES NO. 1 Stranaer of Galilee. Overshadowed. FAVORITES NO. 2 New I Belong to Jesus. Just Keep On Praying. FAVORITES NO. S I Have Found a Hiding Place. On a Rugged Kill* FAVORITES NO. 4 Lord, I Want a Diadem! Is He $atisfled? The Song of the Soul Set Free. If You Knew the Lord.


The King's Business/October 1957


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