King's Business - 1957-10

BOOK REVIEWS continued

Bible Questions Answered

m eA ica ii- rMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission

The Holy Bible Edited by John Stirling Illustrated by Horace Knowles

This is Dr. W . L. Pet- tingill’s greatest book. Thousands of them are in use. It takes up hundreds of important questions and answers them in a Scriptural manner. Indexed for topics and for texts. 559 page*; $4.00 Dunham Publishing Co. Findlay, Ohio Order from your bookseller

Founded in 1887 by W. E. Blackstone. Work amongst Jews in Chicago, Milwau­ kee, Indianapolis, Tampa, Miami, Jeru­ salem, Haifa, and by Itinerants in many other cities. Daily Evening Broadcast (60 minutes) to Stote of Israel from Tangier, No. Africa. Send for sample A.M.F. Monthly and Tracts for Jews. Milton B. Lindberg Archie A. MacKinney General Director Superintendent 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago 45, III. BIBLE WORKBOOK By Catherine B. Walker, M.A., D.R.E. Widely used in high school Bible classes. Suitable as Adult Bible study guide. Questions, notes, maps, and outlines Vol. 1— Old Testament Vol. 2— New Testament BIBLE WORKBOOK DISTRIBUTORS 90c each 420 E. Madison, Wheaton, Illinois know t h e m - t e a c h t h e m - l e a d th e m B O Y S

The Bible has come alive in a new way in this visual aids edition. There are over 500 drawings of ancient buildings, animals and household ob­ jects. There are also mileage mark­ ers, time signals and outline maps. All illustrations are placed in the text to clarify the meanings of pas­ sages as they occur. The text is the authorized version and contains both the Old and New Testaments unabridged, unaltered and without comment. The page is layed out in modem prose paragraph form with poetry in separate lines. Chapter and verse numbers are mar­ ginal. Detailed passages on ritual, building specifications and genealogy are printed in much smaller type. Teachers and parents will find this edition especially useful in explain­ ing the Scriptures to children. 1,004 pages; cloth; C ollins’ Clear-Type Press, Glasgow, Scotland; $3.00 (imi­ tation leather, $4.25). Reviewed by Mary Page. Hebrew Vocabularies By J. Barton Payne In this work Dr. Payne has ren­ dered a fine service to beginning stu­ dents of the Hebrew Old Testament. Admittedly, vocabulary forms a for­ midable obstacle to the beginner. This brochure, based on the fine vocabular­ ies of William R. Harper published in 1890, is designed to help overcome this difficulty. The good reception the work received in a previous edi­ tion (1955) insures for it a wider sphere of usefulness in the future. 18 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1. Reviewed by Charles L. Feinberg. SOO Selected Sermons By T. De Witt Talmage The cream of Talmage’s sermons are being recirculated in an attractive form of a set of 10 double volumes. They are attractively bound and let­ tered and the last volume will con­ tain four cumulative indexes: 1) an index of texts, 2) an index of titles with texts, 3) an index of anecdotes and historical illustrations and 4) an index of subjects. There will be over 8,000 pages of material and whether used for private study and devotional reading or as a model of great Ameri­ can preaching, this set will occupy an important place in current sermonic literature. 10 double volumes; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.50 each, last volume free on subscription orders. END.

Palestine MAP IN THIRD DIMENSION By Dr. G. Frederick Owen, eminent Orientalist.

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