King's Business - 1957-10

NARRAMORE continued

You w i l l love to r e a d , t h i s new V I S U A L A I D S ® BIBLE a ® ! M jWm i ¿ 0 ■■ WàWISmÊ I S ... • ■„.■I T h e b e l o v e d K ing Jam e s v e r­ s io n , u n a lte re d and un ab ridg ed , w ithou t note o r comm ent, teem ­ ing w ith p ictu res t h a t m a k e it s s t o r y l i v e a n d g low w ith n ew m ean ing . OVER 500 ILLUSTRATIONS th roughou t th is rem a rk a b le n ew B ible a re p la c e d righ t in th e text in th e ex a c t p la c e s w h e re th e y a re n e ed ed to illum in a te a n d c la rify the B ible s to ry—p la c e s, bu ild ing s, trees, p lan ts, an im a ls, e v e r y d a y a rtic le s, p eop le , custom s, clothing, m ap s an d m a n y o th er fe a tu re s. A most v a lu a b le te a ch in g aid . 5 1 B lue Buckram ............. $3.00 5 2 B lack L eatheroid ........ $4.25 Size 7Vz x 5V b in. Send now for free descriptive leaflet to Dept. K Available through your bookstore COLLINS CLEARTYPE PRESS 425 FOURTH AVE., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. TAPE RECORDER FREE Write for information how to get a nationally known tape recorder free. Also circular about Tel-n-See, the mar­ velous new invention for showing color films with sound on tape, costing less than 1/10 of movies. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS WHEATON, ILL. . . . Ha llowe ’ en TRICK or TREAT enclose the gospel tract "H eart Trouble” A presentation of the message of salvation for children, printed in red, black, gold. with you r . . .


H p l iU e andbooh {Formerly known as "Pocket Bible Handbook”} Book OF a Lifetime . . . For a Lifetime Loved alike by . . . Young and Old % Widely Used in Colleges and Seminaries Highly Commended by leading Magazines Specially Usefulfo r S S Teachers It is an Abbreviated Bible Commentary, with Notes on Booksof the Bible, their Historical, Geographical and Chronological Backgrounds, with 75 Illustrative Maps: Amazing Archaeological Discoveries, Confirming or Illustrating Bible History, with 78 Authentic Photographic Reproductions: Related Historical Data from the Annals of Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome, touching the Bible Story: HowWe Got the Bible, Formation of Old and New Testaments, Apocryphal Books, Manu­ scripts and Early Christian Writings: An Epitome of Church History, Connecting Bible Times with Our Own; Early Church Fath­ ers, Persecutions, Rise of the Papacy, the Popes, Luther and the Reformation. NowContains “Best Bible Verses'’. Ther isnothing published, of its size,that has anything like as much practical Biblical information. {Further particulars sent on request} 4 x 6 A x VA inches 956 Pages Cloth Bound $3.00 Order from your Bookstore or H.H . HALLEY, Box774, Chlcago90,lll. WRITERS WANTED with Christian Writers Institute Training

be voted upon and adopted by the Sunday school teachers so that it may officially represent your ways of working. A ll prospective Sunday school teachers should be asked to take the policy handbook and read it care­ fully. The Sunday school super­ intendent or the departmental head should go over every point in the policy handbook with each pros­ pective teacher. Naturally this will eliminate most personal problems which might otherwise arise. I would suggest that the policy handbook be distributed to all of the church officers so that they will understand the program and poli­ cies of the Sunday school. This is one of the best ways to gain their cooperation. A few minutes should be taken at every teacher-training meeting to discuss “ Ways of Im­ proving Our Sunday School.” This simple procedure is very effective in getting teachers to improve. It avoids working on a personal and possibly an embarrassing level. Q. What do you do when a seven- year-old child expresses a desire to be saved and to be baptized but the parents think the child is too young? This youngster has above average understanding. A . Since the child belongs to his parents, your responsibility is to talk with them about their child’s desires. I would suggest that you discuss three things with the child’s par­ ents. First, what is the meaning of salvation? Secondly, what is the meaning of baptism? And, thirdly, just how much understanding and maturity is involved in accepting Christ as one’s personal Saviour and following Him in baptism? Very often when parents under­ stand what the child wants to do they are very cooperative. I suppose that in this case the parents them­ selves may not be Christians. By talking to them about the above points, they will not only gain an understanding of what the child is doing but they will realize that there is a need in their own lives. Is A Child Ever Too Young To Be Saved?

Must have desire to write. Looking for men and women who want pro­ fessional training. People who like to earn as they learn; who like to study the easy way, by mail. Start on your way to a career in Christian writing. Free-lance Chris­ tian writers may add $1,000 or more a year to their income. Send for free sample lesson. Dis­ cover how you can get great returns on a small investment in a 10-easy- lesson course. Write today. Chris­ tian Writers Institute, Dept. KB1!? 33 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111.*

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