King's Business - 1957-10

It is also very effective to place brief, pointed materials on these subjects in the hands of the par­ ents. No doubt you will want to talk with them several times. Do not leave the child alone in this seeming misunderstanding be­ tween himself, his parents and his Sunday school teacher. Explain to him that his parents are seriously considering it and that no doubt in time they will be very happy for him to be baptized but that in the meantime he can put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and can live a wonderful life for the Lord. Understanding Boys and Girls Q. As a teacher training leader I believe that one of the greatest needs among our Sunday school teachers as well as our parents, is to have a better understanding of child growth and development. I would appreciate your discussing this on your page, and also recom­ mending a good book. A. To work most effectively with a child, one must understand his in­ dividual pattern and rate of devel­ opment. For every child there is no doubt a period in his develop­ ment when he can best succeed at any given activity. In other words, children are physically, mentally and emotionally ready for develop­ mental tasks at certain times. As to books, there are a number of helpful publications which are available at secular book stores. Jenkins, Schacter and Bauer have written a rather comprehensive vol­ ume entitled “ These Are Your Chil­ dren.” I have written a booklet which parents and teachers might find valuable. It is in outline, summary form. At each age level— kinder­ garten through high school— it pre­ sents (a) physical growth char­ acteristics, (b ) typical actions and reactions, (c) special needs, and (d) suggestions on how parents and teachers can work most effectively with boys and girls. It also includes case studies of children with special problems. This one dollar printed booklet is concerned with practical helps for understanding and working with children of elementary school age, as well as with young people in high school. The title is, “ Under­ standing Our Boys and Girls.” END.


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The K in g's Business/October 1957


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