King's Business - 1957-10

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The next heart represents those who live in the present day. Placed over the other, we read, “ sin,” “friends,” “ gold,” “ self” and “pleasure.” Yes, all these things can be idols which come between us and God. Even though we do not bow down to idols of wood, stone, gold or silver, we can be just as guilty of the sin of idol worship as the Hebrew people were n ea rly a thousand years before Christ.

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WINNING IS JUST THE BEGINNING New Christ-honoring concept of Christian service for both men and women assures successful follow-up with new converts. "FOLLOW -UP M A D E EA SY /' ex­ citing companion to "Soul-Winning Is Easy/' by C. S. Lovett, makes it possible for you to take another through the entire Bible in twenty minutes. 2 ’/2 ft. Bible panorama picture included. $1.00-postpaid- guaranteed. CHRISTIAN SUPPLY, Baldwin Park, California

When we know that we are guilty of any sin, there is just one thing to do and that is to confess our sins ( 1 John 1:9). I will place this red heart over these others and we read, “Christ died for all sin.” What a blessing it is to know that His blood cleanses from all sin. Let us turn this heart over and see what we find. It reads, “Christ’s Lordship, love, loyalty and worship.” Isn’t it wonderful to realize that though the heart may have had J idols in it, the blood of Christ cleans­ es from all sin and makes us true worshippers of God? John wrote, “ Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). D e l i v e r e d F r o m D e a t h OBJECTS: A black string about eight ; feet long, two identical finger rings and a piece of colored silk about a yard square. (The rings can be se­ cured at a variety store. Thread one ring on the black string and conceal the other in the left hand.) LESSON: I would like two boys to come to the platform and help me. Each of you boys may hold one end of this string to make sure that the ring will not get off. This ring re­ minds me of King Hezekiah. In 2 Kings 20:1 we read, “ In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And I the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the L ord , Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.” We will let this black string which has caught the ring remind us |

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The King's Business/October 1957


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