King's Business - 1957-10



GROW ING UP TO LOVE by H.Clair Amstutz, M. D.

study the Word of God for them­ selves. It is amazing that we have many people in our churches who have been studying the Bible for years under the direction of others and yet are still totally unable to feed themselves spiritually. Since they cannot provide their own nourishment, how can they provide it on the home level? It appears that the church needs first to teach the Word of God in a practical way so that biblical truth may be seen in relation to family needs. The Bible must be taught in terms of its rele­ vance to life. Then the families need instruction as to how they can profitably read and study it for themselves. This dual approach will assist in the return of the family altar to Christian homes. Dedicated homes where Christ not only resides but reigns and where love abounds toward God and neighbor are needed today. For the future of our churches, our country and our total missionary outreach it is imperative that the home once again become the center of New Testament Christian living. (Below is a list of books M r. Hayes has selected for fam ily wor­ ship. — ED.) For Nursery and Kindergarten Egermeier, Elsie, Egermeier1 s Bible Picture ABC Book, Warner Press; $1.95. Taylor, Kenneth N., The Bible for Little Eyes, Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.95. Songs for Our Littlest Ones, Broadman Re­ cordings; $3.60. Songs for Children 4 and 5, Broadman Re­ cordings; $3.95. Songs for Children Under 6, Broadman Re­ cordings; $3-95. 78 rpm unbreakable vinylite records. Beginners Sing, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111 .; $. 60 . Far Primary and Junior* Burton, Joe W ., Altar Fires for Family Worship, Broadman Press; $2.50. Egermeier, Elsie, Egermeie/s Bible Story Book, Warner Press; $3.95. Egermeier, Elsie, Picture Story Life of Christ, Warner Press; $2.50. *The natural devotionol guides for children of this age ore the Sunday school workbook sug­ gesting Bible passages for doily reading, and the Sunday school paper. Books for Family Worship

GROW ING UP TO LOVE is an answer to modern immorality and Puritan asceti­ cism. Here is a book which discusses atti­ tudes toward sex rather than facts about sex. One reviewer writes, "This is one o f our best statements o f the Biblical attitude toward sex and the meaning o f human love.” $2.50

HOM E BOOKLET SERIES #,When You Date" by Ester Eby Glass 35c "Clear Thinking About Courtship" by John C. Wenger 30c "So You're Going To Be Married" by H. Clair Amstutz 50c "Living Happily Married" by John R. Mu maw 35c 50c These fine booklets give sound scriptural counsel on dating and courtship, guidance in preparation for marriage, answers to the prob­ lems of newlyweds and direction for the new parents. "Becoming Parents" by H. Clair Amstutz

M E D IT A T IO N S for the NEW M O TH ER by Helen Good Brenneman

A devotional meditation for each of the first 30 days after baby’s birth. An appropriate gift for any new mother. $1.25

C H R IS T IA N NURTURE of CH ILD R EN by Alta Mae Erb

A handbook of practical wisdom for the parent interested in nur­ turing his child for Christ. $2.00

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8,000 Bible themes . . . all refer­ en ces fo r each them e in one place at the bottom of the page fo r easy stu d y—no thum bing through Bible from reference to reference. Complete concordance and maps. Ideal fo r pastors, teachers, students and laymen. NAVE’S STUDY B IBLE G enuine Morocco leather binding, 100% flax India paper. 6 % x 9Vfo x 1 '' thick, over 1,800 pages. Only, $25.00

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