King's Business - 1957-10

Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, Hurlbufs Story of the Bible, John C. Winston Co.; $3.95. Johnston, Dorothy, G., Pete and Penny Know and Grow, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.50. Johnston, Dorothy G., Pete and Penny Play and Pray, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.50. Taylor, Helen L., Little Pilgrim’s Progress, Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $.79- Taylor, Kenneth N., Devotions for the Children’s Hour, Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $.79 or $2.00. Taylor, Kenneth, N., I See, Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $1.95. Taylor, Kenneth, N., Stories for the Chil­ dren’s Hour, Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $.79 or $2.00. Vos, Catherine F., Child’s Story Bible, Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. Primaries Sing, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111 .; $. 60 . Songs for Children 6 through 8, Broadman Recordings, $3.95. 78 rpm unbreakable vinyl- ite. Your Church Hymnal or Gospel Songbook. For Jr. High & High School* Cowman, Mrs. Charles, Mountain Trail­ ways for Youth, Cowman Publications, Los Angeles, Calif.; $2.25. Johnston, Dorothy G., Pour Teens, Scrip­ ture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.00. Seek, Good News Publishers, Westchester, 111.; $1.00 a year. A devotional quarterly. Treasures, Good News Publishers, West­ chester, III.; $1.00 a year. A devotional quarterly for 8-14 year olds. Chambers, Oswald, My Utmost for His Highest, Dodd, Mead and Co., New York, N .Y .; $3.00. Cowman, Mrs. Charles, Streams in the Desert, Cowman Publications, Los Angeles, Calif.; $2.25. Edman, Raymond F., Disciplines of Life, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.25. Edman, Raymond F., Delights of Life, Scripture Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.25. Daily Light, Harper and Brothers, New York, N .Y .; $1.00 up. The Quiet Hour, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship; $.15. Smith, Hannah W ., The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, Revell Publishing Co., New York, N .Y .; $2.00. The Kneeling Christian, Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. •Sunday school quarterlies being studied by youth could be used for daily Bible reading suggestions. Sunday school papers such as "Power" and "Decision" published by Scripture Press would also give suggestions in relating Biblical truths to life. J esus is laying down the rules of conduct for those who have His Spirit, and they work on this principle — God is my Pother, He loves me, l shall never think of anything He will forget, why should 1 worry? — Oswald Chambers For College, Business & Young Married

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The King's Business/October 1957

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