King's Business - 1957-10

GIVING produces anINCOME


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by Phil Kerr

Take M y Life and Let It Be

Words by Frances R. Havergal Music by Cesar Malan

T H E G I F T You, like thousands of other Christians, can solve your financial problems in this unique way. By placing your funds ($300, $500, $1000 and upward) in Moody annuities you are assured of generous, unchanging financial returns for the rest of your life . . . and yet you have the satisfaction of knowing that through your gifts you are helping train young men and women to win souls for Christ. T H E G I V E R Complete satisfaction and assurance will be yours by having regular returns not affected by business ups and downs, and not requiring the worrisome attention of ordinary investments. You will experience joy, because your gift makes possible the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth—through Moody-trained missionaries, gospel-science films and the other world-wide Moody ministries. T H E R E C O R D The Institute’s half-century record of paying all dividends, without fail, on the due date assures every annuitant of unchanging and dependable returns. A large reserve fund, plus the corporate assets of the Institute, are back of all Moody annuity agreements. Thousands have experienced the peace of mind brought' about by the regularity of their annuity checks. T H E D I V I D E N D At regular intervals throughout your lifetime you will receive a check, the amount of which will be based on your age when the agreement is issued. And don’t forget—there is more than just the financial return .. . you receive another dividend, for your funds are helping take the gospel to those who have never heard it.

This consecration hymn was written February 4, 1874 while the author was visiting in the home of friends in England. “ I went for a little visit of five days. There were 10 persons in the house; some unconverted and long prayed-for, some converted but not rejoicing Christians. I prayed ‘Lord, give me all in this house.’ And He just did! Before I left the house everyone had received a blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep and passed most of the night in renewal of my consecration, and these little couplets formed them­ selves and chimed in my heart. . . .” The stanza beginning “Take my silver and my gold” was written four years later. “The Lord has shown me another little step and, of course, I have taken it with extreme delight. ‘Take my silver and my gold’ now means shipping off all my ornaments (including a jewel cabinet which is really fit for a countess) to the Church Missionary Society where they- will be disposed of. I retain only a brooch or two for daily wear which are memorials of my dear parents; also a locket with the only portrait I have of my niece in heaven. But these I redeem so that the whole value goes to the Church Missionary Society. Nearly 50 articles are being packed off; I don’t think I need tell you I never packed a box with such pleasure!” No wonder Miss Haver- gal’s song (first published in 1878) has proven to be such an inspiration to Christians! Several tunes have been provided. The one in most general use is en­ titled Hendon and was composed by Dr. Cesar Malan (1787-1867) the Swiss preacher who was the means of leading Charlotte Elliott (who wrote the words for the hymn, “Just As I Am” ) to Christ.


Write: Carl J. Frizen, Stewardship Department MOOD Y B I B L E IN S T I T U T E 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois


□ Please send me "DOUBLE D IV IDEND S ," the story o f M oody Annuities. □ Please send folder, "Y ou Can Take It With Youy” relating to stewardship and wills.

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