King's Business - 1957-10

That special issue of tracts and other literature do not print in a larger type. Eureka, Calif. Lethea Larsen Copies of the 3rd annual Christian­ ity issue (August) are still available at five for $1 postpaid ( see order blank on page 7). This special issue contains the complete Gospel of John plus many practical helps in a down- to-earth language the unchurched can understand and appreciate. — ED. Sirs: I feel sorry for you because you are not very well acquainted with Christ. I will pray for you my friend. I hope you will start understanding the Bible I am in full agreement with your articles on SDA. My employment brings me in contact with a few mem­ bers of this . . . group and much could be said about their verbal testi­ monies, writings and behaviour—all of which are in opposition to the Word of God. God’s children should spend more time with His complete Word so that they might not stumble. La Mesa, Calif. Rudy Ruggiero DOUBLE OCT-NOV DISCOUNT SD A (cont'd) and I hope your opinion will change toward us Seventh-day Adventists. Many of the things your magazine tells about us are not true. Your 10- year-old friend. Portland, Ore. Judi Leigh Light Sirs: Sirs: I am reading the Gospel according to Saint John (Aug. K.B.). I don’t want to read it in two hours or in one hour. I want to read and read and keep it. Enclosed is $1 for five more copies. South Bend, Ind. Q. G. Reinoeh! Sirs: Kindly mail me for distribution 10 copies of the 3rd annual Christianity issue. They are wonderful. Especial­ ly wonderful for people that will not get into the Word of God because of eye trouble, etc. I have often won­ dered why the publishing companies

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The King's Business/October 1957

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