
I n c l u s i v e & R e s p e c t f u l C o l l e a g u e E n g a g eme n t s

E q u a l Emp l o yme n t Op p o r t u n i t i e s

Z e r o - To l e r a n c e o f Emp l o yme n t D i s c r i m i n a t i o n

We embrace diversity in our workplace, while striving to eliminate all forms of discrimination. Employees must avoid any form of employment discrimination or harassment based on:

We do not condone any form of harassment or behavior that may embarrass or cause our colleagues or guests to feel uncomfortable. The Group prohibits any form of harassment irrespective of whether this occurs within or outside the workplace.

Employment decisions including:

1. Hiring 2. Promotions 3. Remuneration

6. Disability 7. Marital status 8. Sexual orientation 9. Family status 10. Any other personal characteristic protected by law.

4. Training 5. Transfers

1. Gender 2. Race

3. Ethnicity 4. Religion 5. Nationality

must be made on fair and equitable grounds based on merit and what is in the best interest of the Group.


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