King's Business - 1918-10

Bible Institute Part}) for C k in a SO O N TO* SA IL W ITH M R . A N D M R S. A L E X R. SA U N D E R S. M R. SA U N D E R S G IV E S H IS IM PRESSION S OF T H E BIBLE IN S T IT U T E , A F T E R A V ISIT OF SEV ERA L M O N TH S.

China Inland Mission

Why go to China when the need at home is so great? It was when the Lord Jesus Christ saw the multitude that He had compassion. The ten young people who hope to go to China in the fall with Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, and whose photo appears in this issue, have seen the vision of the three hundred milliohs in China who have not once heard the news that Christ has died for them: they have heard the command of their Lord, and in response both to the vision and the call have counted the cost and said, “ Here am I, Lord, send me.*’ As missionaries of the China Inland Mission they go to that distant land without any guaranteed salary, and dependent entirely upon God to supply all their needs. This our God shall assuredly do, as we from our thirty years’ experience can abundantly testify. They are all from the Bible Institute where they have received a knowledge of the Word of God, and a training in practical Christian work, second to none. Since coming to Los Angeles, seven months ago, we have not ceased to praise God for this Institute and its bold witness to the Faith once for all delivered to the saints; and men and women so well grounded in the truth are much needed in China, as in all other parts of the great field, in these days when error and false doctrines of all kinds are so rampant. It has been a great privilege to come into personal touch with such giants for the truth as the men who compose the teaching staff of this Institute, and never since

the days of “ The Believers Meetings” for Bible Study at Niagara-on-the- Lake, before we went to China, have we had such feasts of good things. One outstanding feature of Christian activ­ ity we have been specially glad about is the Pre-Millennial Association, and we would rejoice to see this extended throughout the whole world, for in a very real sense are there now scoffers who say, “ where is the promise, of His coming?” This Association is not part of the Institute itself, but we know it has been the outcome of it, and through it the love for His appearing abounds more and more. Of the many activities of the Insti­ tute, which affords the students the practical training they need, we cannot begin to speak, but these cover every phase of gospel work and Bible teach­ ing that could possibly be thought of, and speaks volumes for the wonderful organizing gifts of the General Super­ intendent Rev. T. C. Horton, familiarly known as “ Daddy Horton.” Meetings in the car barns, shops and factories, on the ships and in the yards at San Pedro and San Francisco, at the county farm, in the jails and penitentiaries; work in the hospitals; Bible classes in homes all over the city and district and in connection with the High Schools; and time would fail us to tell of many other enterprises of this marvelous organization. If there is one phase of work emphasized more than any other it is that of personal work, and the teaching of such men as Drs. Torrey and Evans along these lines, combined

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