King's Business - 1918-10

Evangelistic Department IN T E R E S T IN G STOR IES from REAL EXPER IENCE A S T O L D B Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S

Being All Things to All Men During the past month, with the thermometer registering from 97 to 108 in the shade, our work has been dif­ ficult, especially in thp matter of audi- ^Tences, and yet we WORK IN THE/ M have had very OIL FIELDS ™ good attendance Frank J. Shelly, some of the meetings held. We received a hearty welcome at our old fishing grounds, the Standard Oil Company at Bakersfield, and made a visit to the Pipe Line Companies where there are dear souls who love the Word of God. Holding about four meetings each Sunday is somewhat strenuous, and yet there are so many places we strive-to reach as many as possible, and count it a privilege to be “ workers together with Him.” A nice little work was organized on a lease five miles from Taft, where we teach the Word at 9:00 A. M., minister the Word for Presbyterians at Taft at 11:00 A. M., at 3:00 P. M. are at Reward or Bellridge, and at night speak in the Presbyterian church at Fellows. This means about forty miles of travel. We had the privilege of leading one man to the Lord last week. He had been a “ religious sinner.” God had allowed him to come to the end of him­ self, and he was glad to “ believe and receive.” Eph. 2:8 and Rom. 6:23 formed the blessed prescription that enabled him to accept the Lord Jesus as his All-in-All. Last week we were called to minis­ ter to a dying young woman and found her full of faith and trust. How blessed it is to see those who love and trust

Him. Truly, His perfect love casteth out all fear. Some of the Sunday Schools have had to close up on account of so many leaving for the beaches, but we are keeping watch of the things that remain, teaching, preaching and giving comfort to God’s dear saints here and there. About thirty-five tract boxes have been installed on .as many different leases, and the tracts go very fast, but we are thankful to say that the Lord supplied all our needs along this line. We are holding a lecture service each Wednesday evening at Fellows, on the Book of Revelation, and the truth arouses a real interest amongst j those who know His ways (Psalm 103), and who have a heart for the things of God. We are looking forward to a good revival campaign throughout these fields during the Fall and Winter. Worth-while Work on Battleships The wires lately flashed the news of the loss of three ships on the Atlantic Coast, all of them well known to the workers .here. The Japanese vessel “ Tokuyama Ma- WORK IN PACIFIC ru,” the British COAST HARBORS steamer “ L u z Oscar Zimmerman Blanca” and the U. S. S. “ San Diego” were all torpedoed, and on the flagship a number of - lives were lost. The Japanese vessel was visited here in San Francisco Harbor on May 11th, and we remember how well the Gospel was received as the worker supplied every one of the 85 men with a Gospel and three tracts. The British steamer was

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