King's Business - 1918-10

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NESS the Word oi God. Week after week as we opened up the written Word we strove to bring out for her especially the way of salvation. At the close of the year each member of the class was given a printed blank for use in a study of the Book of John during the summer months, and in the social hour which followed the class this woman came to me asking if she might have several of the blanks to send to her son in the Navy who was to carry on the study and send home to his mother for suggestion. She had found her own life in the Book, and is now striv­ ing to reach the hoy in the same'way. It was at the closing meeting of one of the classes that a little testimony meeting was arranged for by the mem­ bers of the class, to tell what definite thing had been accomplished for them through the study of the Word. Among the testimonies was one from a woman whose life has shown the power of God strongly as she has studied the Word. “ I came here in the class at one of the first meetings; I knew I was a sinner; I was in despair; I had been shown that I was a sinner, hut there was no way out. And then I heard the message that you have heard today that my sins were all covered by the blood of Christ, and I have been a changed woman from that day.” O, the power of the Word of God and the need of a clear testimony concerning the finished work of the cross. “ Labor Not in Vain in the Lord” Work among the Jews is beset by so many difficulties that, ' to the natural mind, Jewish conversions seem impos- sibl€y

868 truly saved!” A lady in whose home the Bible class was being held thus made known her WORK OF THE heart’s desire to BIBLE WOMEN the teacher of Mrs. T. C. Horton. the class, and added: “Will you not speak with him when he is home for his farewell visit next week?” So, going early to the class the following week, the Bible Woman found mother and son awaiting her. Together they read the way of salvation from the pages of the boy’s khaki-hound Testament. With clear voice the boy responded to the Bible Woman’s questions, unhesitat­ ingly affirming his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his own and only Sav­ iour. Then opening the Testament to the blank space provided, he said, “ I am now ready to place my signature to this statement of faith in and allegi­ ance to my Lord.” And in the Book of Life in Heaven another name was added, too. Another mother’s son has been for months in France. He is her first horn and her mother heart has felt all the pain and agony of separation; but as definitely as she gave him to go at his country’s call, she has committed him to God, and with the purpose that her own life shall he enriched and not impoverished by this sacrifice, she has given herself to the study of God’s Word. Eagerly has she sought out every Bible class within reach, and the entire program of her life has been made to conform to this new and dominating purpose. All needed strength and com­ fort have come to her, and the letters which go to her "soldier hoy are filled with cheer and Christian counsel. There came into a class about a year ago a woman who had been deeply interested in Theosophy, and not know­ ing her Bible and being unsaved, she had really felt it to he quite an intel­ lectual thing to be identified with these people. Indeed, she believed that cer­ tain of their teachings were upheld by

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