King's Business - 1918-10


THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS in the bond of the everlasting covenant has agreed to come forth and seek a Bride for the Son of God. if Eliezer proceeds forth from Abra­ ham, the father, in the name of the son. This is precisely the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Eternal Father and the Eternal Son. Jn. 15:26; 14:26. Eliezer goes to seek a bride for the son only after that son has been typically offered up on Mount Moriah and received again typically from the dead. (ch. 22) Mot until our Lord has been offered up as the Son of the Feather and received again from the dead, does the Spirit come forth. He meets the young woman ordained to be the bride of the son at a well of water, ( v .ll) The well in Scripture is a type of the Gospel (Isa.. 12:3) It is by and through the Gospel that the Spirit discovers all who are to form the Bride of Christ. The servant goes with Rebekah into her brother Laban’s house and dwells there for a season. Laban signifies “ the fleshly man.” Thus the Holy Spirit enters into the fleshly human life of the called of God and takes up his abode for a season. The servant takes out a pack of prec­ ious things, gifts sent from the father in the name of the son. ^his is the work of the Holy Spirit. He is here in the church to distribute spiritual gifts. 1 Cor. 12:11. He takes the things sent from the Father- in the name of the Son and shows them to the children of God. Jn. 16:14, 1 Cor. 2>9-19. Eliezer invites Rebekah to go with him and become the bride of the son, (v. 48, 49, 58) Not only is the church and all its individual membership called out by the Gospel, but also the convict­ ing power of the Holy Spirit. 1 Thess 1:5. Rebekah willingly consents, (v. 58) Those who are in the covenant bonds respond willingly when they hear the call. Ps. 110:3 The servant lead? Rebekah forth to

903 meet the son. (v. 61) The work of the Spirit today is to guide the church 'in the way until the Bridegroom and Bride shall meet. As he went along the journey, the servant would speak to Rebekah of His looks, His beauty and His possessions, of the home being» pre­ pared for her. Jn. 16:13-14. While the affianced bride was travel­ ing on the pilgrim way, suddenly the son came forth to meet her (v. 65). This hope is held out to the church__ that at any moment the Son may come forth to meet her. (Tit. 2:13) Rebekah and Isaac meet in the open field (v. 63). They met at the close of day and outside the dwelling'of man. Christ and the church will meet at the close of this day of grace and in the open field of the air. 1 Thess. 4:14-16. Isaac the son, receives Rebekah unto himself (y. 64, 65, 67). So will Christ present His church unto Himself. Eph 5:27. The marriage took place in the far country, away from the natural home of the bride. See Rev. 1 5 : 1 - 7 .^#-- Hall Caine said, “ I think I know my Bible as few literary men do. It lends whatever of strong creation there is in any of my plots.” Undoubtedly writers of romance to-day might MY greatly strengthen their GIRLS work by applying and adapting ^Biblical inci­ dents. The Twenty-fourth Chapter of Genesis assigned for our lesson to-day is a good illustration. Allowing for Ori­ ental customs, I know of no more inter­ esting “ Storyette” courtship than this chapter. Abraham has returned from Mount Moriah whither he had gone to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham now recognizes that with the mother gone (23:1-2) Isaac’s thoughts will be more than ever fixed upon founding his own home. He wishes his son to marry a girl that will follow him in his spiritual life. He knows she cannot be found

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