King's Business - 1918-10

Special Prices for these October Books

The Early Church O r D. D. One of the “Christian Study Manuals,” and one of the best works on the history of the church published. Bound in cloth. Usual price 40c. Special for this month (postpaid) 28c. Complete Course of Bible Study W. C. Sanderson Here is an absolute bargain. Sanderson’s Bible Study is widely known and is never sold for less than $1.00. For this month only we are making a special price of Cloth bound. Postage paid. 75c. Diamonds from the Rough J Ed. G. Phillips Ü S A collection of original incidents and stories of special interest to the pastor or Christian worker. Usual price $1.00. Spe­ cial price for this month (postpaid) 70c. What Shall Be Done in the Dry Jam es D unbar A splendid book on the signs of the times; the impending storm, and the prepared refuge for Jew and Gentile. Cloth bound. Price $1.00. Special price for this month (postpaid) 70c. Current Events One of Dr. Gaebelein’s celebrated books on prophecy written just before the Great War. Of special interest is the chapter on the Jews. Beautifully bound in cloth, and ordinarily sold for $1.00 but for this month only we offer it postpaid for 70c. I D r. W . B. R iley j A . C . G aebelein Daniel vs. Darwinism _____ Another of Dr. Riley’s wonderful books. This one, dealing with prophecy, is as interesting and forceful as any of its predecessors. Bound in strong paper covers. Usual price 30c. Special price 18c. Israel And The Church I Jam es H. B rooks It is most important that Christians should learn to whom the testimonies, promises and warnings of the Bible are applied. Dr. Brooks herein distinguishes be­ tween Israel and the Church and points out the errors many times made even by Christians. Cloth bound. Special price (postpaid) 75c. THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible ■Institute o f L o s A n geles

A W O N D E R ­ F U L S E T O F BOO K S. T h e Bible: Its Structure and Purpose B y JO H N U R Q U H A R T This work by the well known author of “The W o n d e r s of Prophecy” is a complete proof that the Bible is the word of Go d , tracing the proofs back t o th e o ld m a n u s c ripts and m o n u- ments. Y ou who know his m a r v ellously i n t e r e s t ing style and how his books hold your interest, will not be surprised t o learn that this is one of the most interest­ ing. Four beau­ tiful c'l o t h bound volumes compose t he. set. Never be­ fore sold for less than $4.50. As a special offer we will send the four books postpaid for

G IP S Y SM ITH A n A u to b io grap h y

A life which was one long miracle of grace, attested by thousands of witnesses. Read t h i s wonderful s t o r y . C l o t h bound (postpaid) $1.00 net

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