
Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — December 26, 2014 - January 15, 2015 — 9B


M id A tlantic

ODM E xperts By Glenn Ebersole, Hollenbach Construction, Inc. Ten tips for a healthy strategic start for your business in 2015!


he beginning of a new year is a great time to get a checkup on the

all spam and junk emails that you do not need. Act on any ur- gentmessages and organize the rest in appropriate files. • Back up your business re- cords to guard against a poten- tial devastating impact on your business. You could back up your data “in-house, but off-site” or use a professional data back up company to store it for you • Develop a system, if one does not exist, and commit to a follow-up system with your ac- counts tomanage your accounts receivable. • Commit to good cash flow management. Develop strate-

ing and planning. Review the 2014 performance, set the goals that you want to accomplish in 2015 and develop a strategic ac- tion plan to achieve your goals. •Commit to beingmore orga- nized in 2015 so that time is not wasted looking for things you need and to improve work flow. • Clear your desk and elimi- nate clutter. Discipline yourself to keep relevant information on your desk when needed so you can improve your concentration on the task at hand and not be distracted by other items that makes your mind wander. •Clear your computer. Delete

gies to consider alternative methods of funding, which can guarantee your business has a flexible and ongoing supply of working capital, enabling you to put your business plans into action. • Commit to creating an environment that encourages the professional development of your staff. Take a close look at your busi- ness and its performance dur- ing 2014. Use the New Year to develop a fresh outlook, renewed enthusiasm and ambition for 2015. The start of the New Year is the right time for you

to review your strategic plan, business plan, marketing plan, and other plans and then de- velop the appropriate strategic action plan to position you and your business for a very healthy business year in 2015! GlennEbersole is the stra- tegic vice president, busi- ness development/market- ing and leads the strategic leadership team at Hollen- bach construction, Inc., an award-winningprofessional design-build, construction management and general contracting organization in Boyertown, PA. n

fitness and h e a l t h o f your bus i - ness as stra- tegic prepa- r a t i o n f o r 2015. Busi- ness owners a n d t h e i r management

Glenn Ebersole

team have the opportunity to performanannual “checkup” on every aspect of their business, get rid of the “unhealthy" be- haviors and performances and address the “unhealthy” things in their businesses, and start with a fitness plan to ensure a prosperous new year. Here are ten tips to ensure a healthy strategic start for your business in 2015. • Review your business per- formance. An honest review of the business during 2014 can show what worked well and what didn't. By looking at the successes and the failures over the past year will put you in a far better position to plan ef- fectively for 2015. • Begin your strategic think- WDG Architecture promotes Woerner and Schwartzman WASHINGTON, DC — WDG Architecture has an- nounced the appointment of Steve Schwartzman, AIA, LEED AP , and Buddy Wo- erner, AIA , as principals. Schwartzman joined WDG in 1999 and serves as project manager. His project experi- ence ranges from the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command Headquarters to 8300 Wisconsin Avenue, the latest mixed-use apart- ment building in Bethesda, now under construction. He is currently working on the new National Science Foundation headquarters in Alexandria, VA. Woerner joined WDG in 1998 and manages some of the firm’s most complex projects including office, multi-family, mixed-use, hospitality, and student housing. Woerner has been instrumental in significant commissions with Federal Realty Investment Trust at Rockville Town Square and currently at Pike & Rose, both in Maryland. n

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