The Summer Exhibition 2015 is a showcase for high calibre emerging visual artists. Representing the diverse nature of contemporary art, the exhibitors range from painters, photographers and sculptors working in a myriad of materials from pen and pastels to charcoal and oils. This exhibition brings together artists based solely on their skill and creativity, regardless of style, experience or background. Our resolute pursuit of excellence negates social barriers, transcends generations and does not recognise industry elitism. Our exhibitors hail from all four corners of the UK, with some international names in the mix as well. They differ in age, experience, methodology, subject matter and medium; all of which
contributes to the overall aesthetic of the show. We have designed the Summer Exhibition 2015 to allow all disciplines a chance to shine, and we hope to introduce audiences to previously unfamiliar styles. We hope our visitors will derive great enjoyment from not only how the various pieces complement each other, but also the contrast that the work provides when viewed as a collection in its entirety. Browsing this carefully curated exhibition, you will find work by artists who have honed their skills by undertaking Fine Art degrees, whereas others are self-taught, having only pursued their creative output after first undertaking careers in fields as varied as
healthcare, architecture, textiles and blacksmithery. Their collective talents combine to take the viewer on a journey between the precision of pointillism portraiture, visual storytelling through photography, the intricate beauty of origami, landscapes made striking by their representation, oil paintings of heroes from childhood literature, and more. The inclusivity of IN:SIGHT and the vision and experience of Washington Green’s dedicated Creative Team has resulted in an exceptional array of works executed across a wonderfully varied spectrum of styles. We hope that you enjoy the art as much as we have cherished bringing this exhibition to life.
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