MarkPowellgrewup inWestYorkshire andwenton to studyfine art,drawing andpainting atHuddersfieldUniversity, having enrolledonedayby accidentwhen decided tobrowse theuniversity studiosone morning,having just losthis job.Hebegan a conversationwithwho turnedout tobe theHeadofDepartment, andwithin a few hourshewas enrolled to study. Aftergraduationhewas invited toAmerica to exhibithisworkon theWestCoast, whichwaswell received and created future
opportunities forMark.A fewyears spent painting inLeeds led to subsequent shows butonly afterhismove toLondon, and a changeofmedium frompainting to drawing,didMark reallybegin tobenoticed by the artworld. Itwas at thispoint thathe was ‘discovered’by anAmericanwebsite with a large following. In amatterofhours his entireportfolioof completedworkhad sold, andhebegan receivingoffers to exhibit inmanyplaces around theworld.Henow spendshis timebalancinghis two loves: drawing and travelling.
London based artist Mark Powell was talent spotted by leading art publisher Washington Green Fine Art at its Summer Exhibition 2014. Following much excitement generated from the body of work Mark exhibited, Washington Green went on to curate his ‘Contours’ show, which launched at Castle Fine Art, South Molton Street in April 2014. In an increasingly digital age where there is a growing fascination with what he calls the ‘glossy magazine concept’ of beauty, Mark’s work aims to demonstrate that beauty is subjective, and isn’t only found in youth. His intricate biro pen drawings focus
primarily on portraiture of the older generation, featuring a series of individuals that tell their own story through their wrinkles and scars. He sketches on unusual canvasses including antique manuscripts, old maps and vintage newspapers – all sourced from his travels around the world – some of which date as far back as the 18th century. Mark’s work is currently being exhibited at selected galleries in the Castle Fine Art and Castle Galleries network, as well as in shows around the world as his fan base continues to grow.
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