


Building Lasting Wealth for Investors Greystone Delivers Exceptionally Built Investment Homes in Well-Chosen Markets for Maximum ROI. M ichigan-based Greystone Residen- tial is a fully integrated real estate

developed Greystone’s unique Build- to-Rent TM platform that allows both international and domestic investors to capitalize on one comprehensive investment solution in brand-new-con- struction, single-family property. Greystone is impacting investors in all walks of life with the company’s core philosophy: that it remains com- mitted to ensuring a legacy of integrity and value by building quality homes in “Class A” investment communities for customers, enriching investors through long-term wealth-building strategies and sharing success with their employ- ees. At Greystone, we are dedicated to offering our customers superior prod- ucts and services and to adding value through our expertise, innovation, foresight and reliability. At the heart of our accomplishments is a diverse team of employees strategi- cally positioned in our core investment markets whose passion, commitment and integrity are a critical part of every property we deliver. The energy starts with our Leadership and Senior Executive Team, whose detailed insight into the markets that we have selected is the driving force that ensures success and maximizes value for our clients and partners. This insight is borne out of a relentless desire to capture and capi- talize on the latest market intelligence and “big data” to underpin not just the best markets, but the best “communi- ties of the future” in which to invest. Leadership recognized that successful investment came with a solid 10-year plan and that a highly rigorous set of conditions needed to be satisfied so that our clients’ investments could rest on a solid macro foundation.

investment and development company specializing in single-family homes. We enable investors from all over the world to build lasting wealth through real estate investments in selected markets in the United States. Our senior management has a combined 60 years’ experience in the industry and is directly responsible for the design, development and operations of more than 20,000 single-family units across multiple U.S. markets. Sean Ryan, Greystone’s founder and CEO, spent the last decade investing in and managing over 3,500 residential real estate units through the secondary (or resale) market. He realized that a lot of the pain points of investing in older single-family property could be allevi- ated by building portfolios of new-con- struction single-family homes in the best neighborhoods. That offers multiple benefits to the investor, namely: • Significantly lower holding costs. •  More overall control over rent yields and higher appreciation. • The ability to efficiently scale the investor’s portfolio to maximize ROI. However, being highly sensitive to today’s market price points, Sean and his team realized that investing in new homes, while maintaining a strong investor yield and ROI, represented a significant challenge due to strong de- mand and shrinking inventory. Those factors have combined to cause prices for newer homes to be aggressively bid up. He and his team therefore

Understanding that lasting achieve- ment is built from enduring relation- ships and that often the learning curve for successfully investing in real estate can be steep, Greystone developed a hand-picked Client Advisory Team, which is the company’s backbone for investor relations, education and pro- cess solutions. Our team takes care of every aspect of the investment process and forms the single-point-of-contact among our operations, LLC and bank account set-up, title, legal, accounting and other departments. In this manner, our investors enjoy a seamless, pro- gressive experience, thereby avoiding the frustration of having to deal with multiple points of contact. No end-to-end real estate investment platform is complete without a strong finance team behind it. Meticulous and hardworking, our Finance Team is not only foundational to our core opera- tions, but it also enables the success of our entire leveraged investment model.

Phillip Ryan also offers comprehensive broker- age and resale services and will discuss and set up exit strategy options

for each investor. We are currently building new homes for our investors in four core U.S. metros: Dallas and Houston, Texas; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Orlando, Florida. The criteria that determines our selection of the best metros in the U.S. is a direct result of economic forecasting and modeling borne out of a mix of “big data” analysis and our ability to drill down to local communities to carve out the best value for our investors. We have chosen these four metros pre- cisely because they offer the best value in new construction residential commu- nities and provide investors the biggest rent appreciation and long-term capital growth for their portfolios that any com- munity in the U.S. has to offer. •

We provide both local and international investors access to multiple financing options at the best rates available to each investor’s qualifications and ensure the loan process goes through smoothly. Our Operations Team is the back- bone of our product, ensuring that the business model is executed flawless- ly. Our team designs and builds our new-construction homes to optimal size and layout—including the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage—that maximizes capital appre- ciation and hits the renter “sweet spot.” From land procurement to resource and vendor management, we have a detailed understanding of each market and how to mitigate production risks and hurdles. This experience, coupled with a highly

efficient land acquisition and homebuild- ing process, delivers incredible pre-nego- tiated value for our customers. We feel that while our investors’ ownership begins with the construction and delivery phase, the real excitement happens when we transfer our completed product to our Owner Services Team. This is where our in-house property man- agement services take over and provide a seamless transition for our investors, thereby perfecting the unique end-to-end solution that Greystone is so proud of. Our property management arm, Phillip Ryan, provides our clients with hands-on, day-to-day property and tenant management services so that all our investors have visibility of their portfolio and complete peace of mind.

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