January 2023 Legal Brief




CONGRATULATIONS to the newly appointed Thurston County Superior Court Judge, Anne Egeler!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the TCBA Annual Holiday Lunch on December 9, 2022, at the Olympia Country Club! We had 80 members RSVP including members of the judiciary and elected officials. We socialized, caught up with old friends, and enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. We hope that you had a great holiday season!

Dear Thurston County Bar Association Members:

On behalf of the Thurston County Bar Association Board of Directors, we would like to thank the bar membership for their continued support of the Salvation Army Adopt - A - Family Program. In 2022, TCBA members sponsored 23 families (96 individuals) and provided the families with wrapped gifts that helped them have a happy holiday season. We also raised $3151.85 online and at the holiday luncheon that was given to the families in the form of individual Safeway gift cards. Thank you all once again for your generosity and kindness during this holiday season!


Jerry Gray & Geoff Hulsey TCBA Adopt - A Family Program Co - Chairs

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